Chapter 12

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Earth-Prime, Central City, Barry's Loft

After the rough fight against Siri and the problems Barry had with Eva, he was knocked out, while Kara started to cry, thinking he is dead, what she forgot is to check his vitals. Since he out of nowhere woke up.

"Barry?" she asked

"What-what happened? Are you okay?" he asked, but what he received was a passionate kiss from her, after losing all her air she let Barry go.

"Don't you dare scare me like that, ever again. Deal?" she asked

"Can you come and kiss me? Because it still hurts a bit to move," he said, making Kara chuckle and make what she was told and kiss him one more time.

"But I'm serious, don't ever scare me like that,"


"I need to take you back to STAR Labs, they need to check if you have something wrong,"


"No?" she asked

"I need to talk to Joe, he needs to know," he said trying to stand up

"Hey, I got you, let me take you there, and then we go to STAR Labs," she said

"What happened with the villain you fought?"

"The DEO has him,"

"What? Why are you not there? What if somethings wrong?" he said

"I had to check on you first, Nia is checking on him, and if something's wrong she will notify me," she answered back

"Please go, something might be wrong, I'll be okay," he said, she hesitated but then nodded

"Fine, but please take care."


"Are you sure about that?" she said looking at the floor, making Barry chuckle

"Well, sometimes," he said leaning for a kiss which she gladly accepted

"See you in a Flash," she said winking an eye and flying away

"Hey! That's my line!" he said trying to sound mad but he couldn't

"You can use it if you want to..." he whispered, but she heard making her smile

"I'll get you out, I'll promise you that," he said looking to a mirror, now in a serious tone. Now he left trying to find the house where Joe is

National City, DEO

Arriving, Kara asked a soldier where Nia, Brainy, and Rama Khan were. After they pointed to the interrogation room, she went to the place, where Nia was almost falling outside the interrogation room.

"Nia! Are you okay?" she asked grabbing her from falling, while Brainy was talking a weird language with the villain

"I-I'm okay..."

"What are they talking about?" she asked

"I don't know, that's not a language I know, or ever heard Brainy use," she said

"Are you okay? Why were you falling?"

"Something's wrong. It was about... Rama Khan staff, it's scanning the DEO for something," she said, suddenly Brainy yelled getting outside

"It's a trap!" Supergirl not caring about anything ran to the window breaking the glass, standing up she said

"Not so fast." and once again the fight starts

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