Chapter 8

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Earth-Prime, Central City, STAR Labs, (Hours Later)

Hours later Barry and his team were trying once again with the artificial speedforce, but he was just thinking about how are he and Kara going to tell Iris about their real feelings, he was still thinking about that when someone brought him back to real life.

"Barry, can you hear me?" Nash asks

"Uh. Yeah sorry I was just thinking about... something..." he says now looking at Nash who was looking at him weirdly

"Alright? We finish for today, we will continue tomorrow, I have to go," he says and Barry just nods

"Hey bro," Cisco said

"What's up, man?" Barry says

"I'm going to my apartment, do you want me to make you a bed on the couch?" he says

"No, it's fine, I'm going to talk to her," he says, and his friend smiles

"Are you sure?" and he just nods

"If you need anything I'm here for you,"

"I know, love you, bro, see you tomorrow," he says as Cisco waves his hands and goes back to his apartment, he took his phone out to talk to Kara when a notification buzz

"Hey... Do you want me to go? Or you want to come?" she writes and he smiles

"I will really appreciate if you can come and get me since I do not have much speed," he writes back,

"Where are you at?"

"STAR Labs, Cortex," he writes entering the cortex, one second later she arrives

"Hi Scarlet Speedster," she says

"Hello, Girl of Steel," he says walking near her

"So... Do you want me to take you to my loft?" she asks

"It would be really nice, yeah," he says smiling and Kara was now leaning to kiss him and Barry did the same. Finally, their lips met, the kiss lasted a while, it would last a lot longer but someone makes them stop

"Oh... my... god," they heard, looking to the voice they saw Cisco's jaw dropped, and some of his materials on the floor

"Cisco!?" They said looking at him

"Cisco! What are you doing here? I-I thought you left to your apartment," Barry said scratching his neck

"I was about... but I forgot some material so I can continue the work at my house, then I heard some voice on the cortex and... here we are..." he says while the heroes were preoccupied about what Cisco just saw

"Cisco..." Barry was going to say but his best friend stop him

"Since when?" He asks

"Since when what?"

"Since when you two have been together?" Cisco asks, Kara sighed and said


"I never thought you would do that..." Cisco said mad grabbing his things and going away, his friend went behind him

"Cisco wait!"

"That's why you were outright?" He says stopping

"Yeah, but it was an accident, we drank some alien alcohol and we... we had a one night, but this morning we couldn't hide it anymore... and Iris was the one who broke the marriage by taking her ring off," he says

"Who knows about this?"

"Alex, you... and Cecile,"

"Are you happy?" He asks

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