Chapter 26

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AN: So thanks to the Pandemic I had to make my own ending to the story. So this is NOT how season 6 from The Flash and season 5 from Supergirl end. Hope you like this new storyline!

Earth-Prime, Central City, Barry's Loft

Barry and Kara after some thinking with both teams, went back to rest, knowing they had a lot of problems... Eva McCulloch, Lex Luthor, and the three "gods," that were inside the tube, not knowing that also Lilian Luthor was working with Lex.
Both of them were silent on the way back home, they were trying to find something to beat the villains both of them were putting all the problems on their backs. Arriving at his loft they sit. They saw how almost everything was broken because they forgot to clean up everything thanks to the fight Barry had against Siri. The two of them look at each other.

Barry was going to move and pick up when he felt a gust of wind. In just three seconds everything was... Back to normal, the mirrors were now gone.

"We have to take the mirrors so she can't know what we're doing," Kara said

"Yeah, but the problem is... she knows everything. I mean, she appeared in front of Carver where no mirror was supposed to be... She appeared from the TV, how can we know she is not watching us?" he asks, making her nod.

"I know... I just... don't know what to do," she said, after some silent seconds he started

"If I am being honest... me neither, but I know that when we're all together we can make great things. And besides, I'm with you which is one of the best things someone could ask," he said, she started to smile.

"I... also think the same thing about you," she said, she wanted to say one of the most important words someone could say in a relationship, but like Barry, she's insecure about it, and she feels bad because she doesn't know if Iris is watching them.

"Let's take this conversation to the bed because I'm really tired," she said, falling to Barry's arms, which he gladly accepted.

"You want me to take you to bed Ms. Danvers?" he mockingly said.

"It will be fantastic if you do it, Mr. Allen," she said, grabbing her bridal style as they went to his bed, but all night they were thinking of some tactics to defeat these two villains.

Central City, STAR Labs (The Next Day)

"How are we doing with these problems?" Barry asked getting inside the cortex holding his girlfriend's hand while the team was investigating everything

"Well, we think we can defeat one of the two villains," Cisco said behind them.

"Cisco!" Everyone yelled

"How do you know about Lex?" Nash asked

"C'mon, I'm Cisco, I know... almost everything, besides, it's Lex Luthor, everyone knows there is something wrong when Lex hasn't done anything... Villainous for a while," he said

"Does the word villainous exist?" Ralph asked, he just shrugged his shoulders

"I don't know, and if it doesn't exist, I already create it," he said

"Right now it doesn't matter if that word exists, how did it go in Atlantis?" Barry said

"Fine... I had some problems with a weird guy with long hair, but I got what we were searching for," he said

"So, we can start with the experiment right?" Kara asked

"Of course! Since we have everything we can start, and when I went to Atlantis the guy I had problems with bringing an idea to me about the Artificial Speed Force," he said

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