Chapter 13

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Earth-Prime, National City, Kara's Loft (The Next Day)

Barry had just woken up, looking at Kara who was still sleeping made him feel happy since she was calm for at least a while. Lost in his train of thoughts he didn't notice he was glaring at a woken Kara

"Barry? Are you there?" she said looking at him with a smile

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," he said scratching the back of his neck with red cheeks.

"How... How do you feel?" he asked

"I'm better thank you," she answered back

"I'm glad you're okay, do you want me to make you breakfast?" he asks

"I just want to cuddle with you a little more..." she said

"It's fine by me," he said, putting his arm on her shoulder. After a long and comfortable silence, Kara asked


"What's up?"

"Do you think I can stop Leviathan and Lex?"

"I would never doubt you, you are the very best of us, you are a strong, intelligent woman," he said looking at her

"Not like me..." he whispered, she was going to talk but Barry said

"Will you come with me to STAR Labs?

"Obviously," she said smiling, but she knew something was wrong

Central City, STAR Labs, Cafeteria

After their conversation at Kara's Loft minutes later, Barry and Kara went to STAR Labs to tell everyone about what happened the last night with Iris, Eva, Singh, and Kamila. Trying to understand what they just said Nash asks.

"They're just gone?"

"What does that even mean- "Mirrorverse"? Can we even get them back?" Allegra asked

"Oh, my God. We-we have to warn David's husband." Cecile realized

"I've been living with some copy of Kamila, while the real one's trapped somewhere?" Cisco said thinking about everything that happened does days

"Eva said they're safe for now," Barry said

"And you're taking her word for it? For all, we know they're dead already."

"They're not, so just- you don't even think about that," Ralph said 

"We have to think about that," Cisco said now looking at Ralph

"What if creating Kamila's duplicate actually killed the real Kamila? Same thing with Singh, same thing with Iris." He said now at Barry who didn't answer


"What do you want me to say?"

"Anything, that we have a plan, that we'll get them back."

"I don't have a plan, Cisco. Eva can move anywhere through any mirror in the universe in the blink of an eye. She's faster than I am, and somehow I'm supposed to stop her and still hope to God Iris and everybody else is still alive in a world that we don't even understand?" Barry said as his watch turns from yellow to red, Kara saw that, and started to calm Barry

"Hey, hey! Calm down, okay? I'm here, I'll help you find Iris, Kamila, and Singh, just calm down Barry, I'm here." She said hugging him

"Exactly, you guys are both right, okay? But we cannot fall apart. We need to work on the problem, not tear each other down. So here's what I'm gonna do. I am gonna call David's husband, and I am gonna see if he has seen Singh's duplicate." Cecile said

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