Chapter 17

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Earth-Prime, Central City, STAR Labs, Medbay

"How does it work?" Kara asked Nash and Cisco who were preparing the containment cell of Roderick

"Normal sound waves need to have a transmission medium to move through, but charged sound builds its own," Cisco said looking at them

"Normal sound can temporarily reattach molecular bonds. Charged sound can permanently attach them." Nash said recharging an injection with the blood of Godspeed.

"It's like a permanent bonding agent."

"Hartley, this will stabilize Roderick." Cisco said now looking at him, he slightly nodded and said "If you hurt him, I'll hurt you."

"Ready?" Nash asked

"Ready." As they started the machine, the vibrations of Roderick's body started to turn back to the way they were, until finally, he was once again normal.

"Hartley. Hartley." Roderick says

"I'm here," he says putting his hand to the containment cell

"I thought I lost you."

"Come on, you know I'm harder to get rid of than that," he answers right back

"So, uh, what happened? The last thing I remember, we were at the dam, and The Flash, he um..."

"He helped bring you back," he said

"We'll give you guys some space," Barry said

STAR Labs, Cortex

I'm glad we reunited the happy couple, but I have to say I am super relieved to finally get rid of Godspeed. And this one talks, so now we know we got the real August Heart behind bars." Cisco said while Barry and Kara were looking at the other, their eyes were showing light from the love they have.

"Barry, didn't you just see Godspeed before?" Nash asks, making Barry and Kara blush.

"Uhm... Yeah, that's-that's not the real Godspeed. Once he was placed in a meta-dampening cell, I questioned we as The Flash and Supergirl, and all he could say was, "The one who sent me wants infinite velocity." He says

"When you were fighting Godspeed, he said, "We deserve your speed," Cisco said thinking about it.

"Does "we" include the one who sent him?"

"He couldn't tell me."

"Because he stopped talking," Kara added

"And started chirping like a broken modem... Just like the rest of them." Cisco says

"We're ready to go," Hartley said

"Let's go," Barry said, Kara went with them.

STAR Labs, Elevator

"I don't know how to thank you," Roderick said

"I-we lost everything when we lost each other... even hope. Thank you for not giving up. You gave us back us. I owe you two. We both do." He said, extending his arm and Barry accepted it. he made the same with Kara

"Good luck. Just maybe stay out of diamond stores for a while." He said looking at Hartley

"No promises," Hartley says

"Hey, will you give us a second?" Hartley asked Roderick

"Yeah." He said walking to the doors of the elevator.

"Okay, look, um... You know I'm not exactly the "Let's hug it out" type, so I'll just say this. You gave me my world back. And I thank you for that, it looks like you two got your world. And try and save Iris. But you two have to do more than just forgive yourself. You have to believe that your world can change. That's the part I'd forgotten. Thanks for reminding me." He said walking back to where Roderick was. They look at them going back, and when the doors are closed, they look at each other. She put her hands on the neck of him.

"What are you thinking?" she says

"I need to show them I believe in myself so they can believe in them," he says

"Of course. I believe in you. But do you believe in yourself?" she says, Barry passionately kisses her

"Does that answer your question?"

"It does. Now let's go. We need a plan to get our friends back." she says


Allegra, Cecile, Cisco, Ralph, and Nash were on the cortex, all of them stopped doing their things when they saw Kara and Barry entering. There was a tense silence, Barry look at Kara, she gave him a slight nod, finally, he starts to talk

"We've all lost so much this year... Our power, our love, our family. At times, it's even felt like there's nothing left to lose, like everything that matters has already been taken and our lives are empty... hollow inside. Some things can't be taken. Look around this room. We still have our faith in each other and our will to fight for those we love. This is what we'll never lose... Eva McCulloch has never faced us head-on. And that's about to change. We're gonna find her... beat her... and get back everyone." he said

"Amen to that," Cecile said

"You just tell me where to stretch," Ralph said

"And blast," Allegra added

"Sounds violent. I'm in." Nash said, everyone, looked at Cisco, who hadn't said anything. Cisco stands up. "I have an idea... a way to get our people out of the Mirrorverse. We need a lossless, self-sustaining source of perpetual energy," he said

"Sounds like you're talking about the holy grail of science-a perpetual-motion machine," Nash said thinking about it.

"That's right. Hartley had some ideas. I think we can actually build one. We're just missing one component, and thanks to my travels, I know exactly where to find it... Atlantis."

"Finally, Crisis pays off in a good way for once," Ralph said

"I know time is crucial, but don't worry. I'll hurry back."

"Can I come?" Allegra asked

"Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like for you to stay. Team Flash and Supergirl need as many hands on the deck as possible." He said to Allegra

"Let's do this," Kara said

National City, Kara's Loft.

After some time at STAR Labs, it was getting pretty late, so everyone went to their houses, prepared for the next day. Kara took Barry to her loft since he decided to stay with her for a while. Entering the loft, Kara and Barry stare at each other in amazement. She then wrapped her arms on his shoulders, while he put his arms on her waist. Kara then plays some relaxing music, they slowly start to dance to the rhythm of the music.

"So... what was the reward that you were going to give me. The one you told me when I saved you?" She asks smiling.

"Oh, you'll love it, wanna see it?" He asks

"You made me blush at that moment, I was so embarrassed..." she says remembering the moment

"So you don't want the reward." He says

"I never said no,"

"It's on your bed... I'll take you there," he says teasing her even more, he grabs her hand and takes her to her bedroom, where the two of them start to kiss passionately.

"This is your reward for everything you have down the past few days. You'll love this." He says

"Shut up and kiss me," she says and grabs him from his shirt to kiss her once again, after that both of them started to take out their clothes throwing it to the floor.

"Well finally going to have privacy," she says

"I know," he says, still kissing her. That night for both of them was a night they will never forget. Because they deserved to chill for a while, before the upcoming events...

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