Chapter 19

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Earth-Prime, Streets of National City, Outside Luthor Corp

Barry, Kara, and Lena started to get out of a bus that arrived outside Luthor Corp, walking to the entrance they heard the noise of explosions. Looking up they see green lighting cracking. Kara and Barry wanted to go and help, Lena, sighed. "Kara, Barry, come on, we've gotta go," she said entering, Kara was going to stay and Barry knew that

"Hey, look at me," he said, making her look at him.

"After Lena finishes making you the suit we're going to help them okay?" he said, nodding she answered. "Okay." Both of them kissed the other and went where Lena was waiting for them.

Inside Luthor Corp

Lena had already started making the suit while Kara and Barry were waiting for it looking at a lot of things. Impatiently Kara looked at the suit, and both of them knew she was getting pretty impatient.

"The suit won't be ready for at least another few hours. But I'm doing everything in my power to speed it all along." Lena said, she sighed and went for a hug with Barry, Lena looked at them, thinking how many things game nights, karaoke nights, and most importantly time with her friends lost. "Hey." Alex said arriving, Kara preoccupied asked "What happened?"

"It's not Rama Khan out there. There's three of them. Each with different element-bending power." Alex said

"Where are the others?" Lena said, looking as she just arrived.

"J'onn was injured. M'gann and Dreamer took him back to the tower." Alex said

"I should have been there, fighting alongside you, I'm sorry."

"Kara, it's okay. We all still have our ears." Alex said when someone started to call her.

"Kelly, hey," Alex said walking a few yards away

"I-I need to go," Kara said

"No, I know you want to help Kara, but they have something that might kill you, and nobody wants you there, we know you're a strong brave woman, you always prove that, but when the suit is-" Barry was saying when Kara heard that William might be kidnaped thanks to Eve.

"William went after Eve alone?" she asked walking to Alex

"No super-hearings!" Alex said. "Sorry," Kara answered back, but Lena is scared she might be back. "Eve Teschmacher? She's back?"

"Look, I'll get to you as soon as I can," Alex said, turning off the phone. Kara immediately said "Hey, if this Eve is working with Lex, William has no idea the danger he is in... Alex we need to do something. I-we can't just sit here. I have to help him, I know I'm mad at him, but still, I need to help him, somehow." 

"Okay, listen to me. Stop. I know how hard it is for you to sit on the sidelines. It's even harder for me because I don't have enough speed to go and save everyone and protect you. I mean you don't need protection but I will do anything for you to be safe." Barry said, Alex, nodded "But Kelly and I, we will handle this. We will access Eve's files at Obsidian North and we'll see what she's up to. And if she has gotten to William. We will find him. You just need to stay safe until Lena finishes your suit." she added

"And when the suit is ready you're going to kick asses like you always do, trust me." Kara hearing her sister and her boyfriend telling her to stay, slightly nodding, she said. "Okay, alright, fine. But Alex, please, be careful." Alex scoffed and smiled. "You know me."

"Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm worried about." Kara said, they smiled "Come on," Alex said, bringing her to a hug, while she held hands with Barry. Everything that was happening was seen by Lena who was sad because she couldn't help her or the team before, thanks to his brother being the villain he is.

After some minutes Alex had already left to see where William was. She found out but the location was encrypted, so they called Lena so they can find where he is. After some tense silence, Lena started to talk while Barry and Kara stare at each other.

"These programs should be able to crack Eve's cipher in minutes. Talk about history repeating itself. Tracking Lex down through Eve... It's just like Kaznia." Kara looks at Lena still serious. Then she crossed her arms and looked once again at Barry.

"Please, Kara, I'm sorry. Okay, I truly believed what I was doing helping people." Not looking at Lena she started to walk to another place. "I told you I don't want to talk about the past." Standing up Lena protested. "Oh, come on, you can scream at me if you'd like. I know I deserve it." Barry not knowing what to do you look at the girls discussing.

"I know now that working with Non-Nocere was a mistake, that working with Lex..." Kara finally looked at Lena and yelled "This isn't about Lex! This is about J'onn, Alex, even Barry." She said pointing at Barry. "All the other people that could have been killed today because they're on my team. Don't you understand that?" Barry walking to Kara started to calm her down

"No, I do, of course, I do." Lena said, Barry, interrupted her "I'm sorry if I talk between your discussion but Lena you don't." Kara continued. "You have never understood what it means to share a secret identity with someone. How much danger that puts them in. You... You never even understood that I kept my identity from you because I wanted to protect you."

"I know, I know that I hurt you by waiting so long to tell my truth. But what about all the ways you hurt me? You pretended to be my friend for weeks. Just so you could manipulate me. You stole from me. You convinced me to steal for you. And then, then, you even... You used Kryptonite on me. I made one mistake. One mistake that was only ever meant to protect you. And in return, all you did was hurt me in every way imaginable." She finished really disappointed with her friend's actions.

"I'm sorry." Lena simply said, remembering all the things she made.

"I know you are. But if you came to me looking for absolution, I can't give it to you." She said while Barry started to hug her. The tense was broken when there was a sound on the computers, meaning they just found Eve. "It's Eve's location," Lena said

"I'm going." Kara confidently said

"No, Kara, your suit isn't ready yet," Lena said

"She's right, Kara," Barry added

"I don't care. Protecting people is what I do." She said

"Fine, then I'm going with you, we protect people," Barry said

"Barry... you need to stay, you'll not have enough speed to take down Lex, Leviathan, and Eva," she said

"I promised your sister I will protect you, I will not break my promise," Barry said

"Please..." Kara said. Still not accepting that he said. "Fine. But please take care."

"I'll go. If you want." Lena said looking at the couple.

"Fine," she said, then Kara left leaving Lena and Barry alone.

"You're going right?" Lena asked

"That's not even a question." He answered by putting his suit on. Lena and threw him the watch.

"I heard you lose your speed. So if Kara needs you just push the button and it will send you to the place we are." She said, Barry nodded

"Thanks," he said, as she entered the breach.

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