Chapter 24

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Earth-Prime, Central City, Barry's Lab

"I'm glad Carver turned you guys down. After what he did to my cousin, Joe, Iris, he deserves what he gets," Allegra said after the two of them told them what happened at CCjitters with Carver.

"He doesn't deserve to die," Barry and Kara said at the same time.

"What if he's telling the truth about the Mirrorverse affecting minds?"

"Or he's lying. He's not exactly the paragon of truth," Ralph said crossing his arms

"I don't think he's lying. I think it could be a neural dissonance. I came across this earth on my travels where any visitor to that earth immediately suffers a traumatic psychological state. Neural dissonance. This could be that," Nash said remembering everything from that place.

"I'm glad someone believes me. I need your help, after all, Allen. Federal protection. The full Joe West treatment," Someone said behind the team, looking to the person they see Carver

"What happened to your killer minions?" Allegra asked, Kara and Barry knew what happened to them.

"Eva got to them first, didn't she?" She asked

"You gonna help me or not?" Carver asked. Nash scoffed, making Carver even madder.

"Look, get me into protection, and Joe can get out of it. One call from me and he's sleeping in his own bed tonight,"

"You're a real piece of work. You know that?" Kara said, taking the words out of Ralph.

"That sounded like a yes to me,"

Central City, CCPD Main Room

Minutes later after talking to the police, Carver, Barry, and Kara walked down where Ralph, Nash, and Allegra were waiting for them, Carver annoyingly started to ask Barry. "What is taking so long?"

"Uh, federal agents will be here any minute to take you into custody," That's when the elevator door opened and the face of Singh showed. Exiting the elevator he starts talking.

"Mr. Carver. When your paperwork came across my desk, I thought a VIP such as yourself shouldn't have to ride in a two-bit government van. So I'm here to escort you personally into custody. Allen, Danvers, a word?" Singh said, the two looks at him taken back, so the two of them walked with him, while the others were looking at them worried about them.

"Let me walk out of here with Carver, and Mother will give you Iris. Eva is not interesting in a fight with you or with your friends... and by the looks of it girlfriend," Singh said

"You knew we were in that warehouse when you set it on fire. That feels like a fight to us,"

"Let me have him, Kara and Barry. He's a bad man. Bring Iris home. Get your life back,"

"Are we doing this or what?" Carver asked Barry and Singh, Barry look at Nash, he slightly nodded to him.

"That's a simple, no, we're going to get her back," Kara said, Nash pushes Wells and grabs Barry and Kara

"On my six!" Nash throws a smoke bomb, making the team and Carver disappear.

Central City, STAR Labs, Cortex

In just one second the team was back at the lab's cortex. Carver was scared and confused and looked at Nash and Barry. "Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" He yelled. "I saved you. That's what's going on," Nash said, turning to Carver, all the team started to walk to different places, while Carver look at him. even more scared

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