Chapter 9

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Earth-Prime, Central City, West Household

Cecile arrives at the house she tries to enter when something blocks the entrance of the door, thinking about who it was, she imagines it was Barry. Knocking the door she says

"Uh, Barr?" Kara and Barry look at the door

"Hey," they said

"Oh, Kara too, uhm sorry, but something is blocking the door..." she answered

"Oh, yeah uhm..." Barry started to think when Kara using her speed moved everything that was blocking the door and she organized everything making the door available to enter and exit.

"I thought you guys were in the speed lab," she says

"You couldn't do that before?" Barry asks and she shrugged her shoulders and smiled

"Hey, Barry... Why couldn't I enter my own house?" she asks, but she was amazed by every box that was inside her house, then Kara says

"Cecile... We can explain,"

"What the hell is this?" she asks looking now to a whiteboard, the two of them look at each other and said

"Iris isn't Iris," they said at the same time, they started to say the theory about Iris something Barry said and some other Kara, but Cecile was still looking at the now organized place with boxes and two whiteboards, the Barry says

"Okay, so then we thought... Well, this obviously this can't be an Iris doppelganger from another earth,"

"Because doppelgangers don't exist anymore, because the multiverse anymore because the crisis blew it all upright?" Kara adds, Cecile just looks at her house full up of boxes

"Exactly, so if that's true who else do we know that can be pretending to be Iris?" Kara says

"I-uh..." Cecile tries to say

"Shapeshifters, okay so everyman was our first suspect and Cisco report says that he is still alive," Barry says

"Post-crisis. Then Barry remembered about one thing breacher said to you guys," Kara said fixing her glasses

"Yeah, about Plastoids, which remind us that... there could be shapeshifting Martians on this earth too. Th-this fake Iris doesn't have to be from this planet..." he said while she was trying to process everything

"But then it hit me that J'onn would sense if there is a martian hidden among us, so that was a dead-end," Kara said

"Then it led me to my biggest breakthrough yet... Cecile, the night that this all started Iris left to investigate a story, we analyzed her phone's GPS and it shows she went to McCulloch tech... We think something happened to Iris that night..." he said looking at her

"Barry... All of this is this the reason you've been avoiding Iris and the reason you are with... Kara?"

"First of all, that's not Iris! And Second, no, at first it was a one night stand, but after that... I really felt something for her. And thirdly... What do you think?" he said while Kara look at the ground

"What do I think, what do I think... I-I think that this, this sounds-"

We know how it sounds, but look, we seen crazier, and look at all the clues... I mean she speaks Italian all of a sudden, she smashed a bottle over some guys head, and she made incredible pancakes!" he said while Cecile look at him funny

"Trust us, Iris can't made pancakes," Kara said

"But the biggest clue is... Her throwing me out, and then throwing us out a day later because she had to work so she kicked us out... like if I didn't even ask her for the divorce, and besides you told me something was wrong with her..."

"I knew something was wrong with her, but I didn't make a theory like that!" she said pointing to the pictures of Iris

"And sweetie, don't you think you feel scared?"

"Of what?"

"Of your marriage?"

"Cecile, my marriage was going through hell before, sometimes I didn't know if I really loved her, but I know Iris, she doesn't act like she normally does, and even before we broke up, I'm telling you, something happened to her that night she went to Mcculloch tec..." he said

"Do you know why my speed cage turned yellow?" he asked,

"It is because of the moment that we step out of the loft we realize... Iris, the real Iris, she is... somewhere else. Probably in danger, that's why I need my speed back, my lighting, all of my powers if I'm going to save her, it's one of the things I thought about ever since," he said now looking at Kara, who slightly blushed

"No matter who insane, this all sounds I know, I just know that the real Iris... Is out there somewhere waiting for us to find her, we won't let her down..." he finished while Kara hug him, All of that was happening as Cecile looks at them, now noticing why Barry likes Supergirl

Central City, Central City Citizen's Office

Barry, Kara, and Cecile were at Iris office, Barry was looking for some clues at Iris computer, Kara was curious looking at the pictures that Iris had in her office, while Cecile was pacing around thinking if this was a good or bad idea.

"Can you uhh... hurry up? You know when Iris gave me a spare key it was to water her plants it wasn't to hack her computer," she said still pacing around

"It's not hacking her computer if it's not really Iris," he said still looking at the computer

"What are you even looking for anyway?"

"Anything, that can be suspicious from the past few weeks," Kara said putting a picture down, as she does that, Barry finds a folder where he found the pictures Kamila took weeks ago with the prismatic filter

"Bingo," he said looking at it taken back

"What did you find?" Kara asks looking at the computer now

"This photo... it was deleted from Kamila's camera, but not before it was uploaded to the Citizen's cloud server... You guys see this text?" he asks

"Prismatic filter..." she said

"What is that'" Cecile asks

"It's the science we use to test our impostor's identity, expose her for good," he said smiling

Central City, STAR Labs, Cortex

"Hey, I received your message. What's the emergency?" Iris asked entering the cortex while Kara, Barry, and Cecile were looking at a tech thing. When she was at the computer there was a sound coming behind her, and it was Nash Wells closing the door.

"You are, apparently..." he said using his gauntlet as a weapon

"What's going on?" she asked looking at Barry and Kara

"You're not Iris, that's what. And you're not leaving until you tell us who or what you are," he said. Iris just chuckle and then asked

"What the hell are you talking about? And why are you pointing that gauntlet at me?" she asks while everyone was just looking at her suspiciously

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