Chapter 7

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National City, Warehouse of Leviathan

Arriving at the warehouse Kara and J'onn look at Lex with blood on his hands, seconds later the Flash arrives

"I knew it was him," she says

"Flash, I thought you went back to Central City," J'onn says looking at Barry

"I want him to stay for a bit," Kara says still looking at Lex

"Okay..." J'onn says looking at the two of them

"We can talk about that later," Supergirl said walking to Lex and the two heroes were following her

"How is Lex the real hero?" she said

"If you weren't so obsessed with trying to persecute me, you might see that on this earth... I've always been a hero, all these people say so... but I guess we're all heroes today since I'm assuming you and your friends dealt with the big blackout. Not gonna try and pin that on me. Are you?" he said

"No, that was...  Leviathan,"

"The same Leviathan that I told you would be a problem months ago?" he asks

"Perhaps if you listen to me and try to work with me, we could... stop these dangerous organizations before they try to blood out the sun." he finished, and then he looks at Flash

"Flash, I'm sorry I didn't see you standing right there, and I didn't know you were in town... everything alright in Central City? Last time I watched the news I saw a big ugly monster making people like zombies," he says

"Since when do you care about Central City?" Flash asks crossing his arms and not wanting to tell about Bloodwork

"I care not just about National City and Metropolis... I care about every place America has," he says, Flash just sighs and says

"Everything is fine, Bloodwork is at Iron heights," Then Lex continues with the "problem" of Leviathan

"So... Do you know what they want? Or where their base is?" he says

"Not yet. But we will," J'onn says

"We're going to stop them," Kara adds as Lex walks to the exit

"How did this happen?" Flash asks Supergirl

"We don't know, but we're going to get to the bottom of it," said Wiliam walking beside the heroes, as he was beside Supergirl and Flash looking at him, still pissed about last night

"Okay, then we need to know what is he actually doing, and what Leviathan is doing because this doesn't seem right," she says now looking at Flash and J'onn, walking to the exit were Lex was seconds ago

"I'll go and see if someone knows what happened exactly," J'onn said to the heroes and William

"Uh, Supergirl!," William said making Kara and Barry look at him

"Yes, William?" she said looking at him

"Do... Do you know if Kara is okay? Did she tell you what happened last night?" he said

"Yeah, she told me, and she is still mad at you. William, you hurt her friend! What would have happened if he was severely hurt? You would've sent him to the hospital, or even worse..." she said looking at Barry

"I... I know and I'm sorry, can... can you tell her I'm sorry,"

"I will tell, even though you already apologized to her, she told me already, but she needs some space, thank Rao, his friend wasn't that hurt, Kara will be even more pissed, but she told me you already said this..." he said looking at him

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