Chapter 15

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Earth-Prime, Central City, STAR Labs, Cortex

Kara, Barry, and Hartley arrived at the cortex where Cisco was waiting for them leaning on a wall crossing his arms, Hartley looking at the place he said

"Not much has changed." Then he looked to where Cisco was

"Ugh, STAR Labs still keeping mediocre engineers around, I see." Cisco look at Kara and Barry

"Do we have to work with this douchebag?"

"Look, I've heard that you two hate each other, but let's just focus." Cisco walked to the machine

"A few months ago, I theorized there might be a mechanical way to open a breach to an alternate dimension," he said

"Looks like an engine for focusing subatomic vibrations, or as you would say, "vibes." saying this Cisco look at him

"Oh, please. I figured that out ages ago. The hair? Dead giveaway, Ramon. You too, Flash. There are only three facilities in the state that could build a suit with that much bleeding-edge tech. But only one of them had someone brilliant enough to build it." he said

"Thanks," Cisco said

"Harrison Wells."

"There it is."

"Oh, and if I would've known you from before I would notice you being Supergirl from the start, those glasses don't trick anyone, well not an intelligent guy like me. And you two have the same hairstyle right now," he said

"I wish Lena would've noticed that too..." she whispered fixing her glasses

"What I don't get is why you need a machine when you could just use your damn vibes. Unless you can't vibe anymore. Oh, ouch. You lost your meta-mojo. Oh, well you could try being a barista maybe."

"I gave up my powers by choice. You know I'm making this so that I can save the person I love the most. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that, Hartley. The person you love the most is yourself. Come find me when you're ready to work." he said walking away.

"Cecile just got Roderick back from Mercury Labs. He's here." Barry said looking at his phone

STAR Labs, Medbay

Minutes later Nash, Allegra, Kara, Barry, and Hartley were at the medbay where the containment cell that had Roderick in it still moving thanks to the vibrations, had already all the things prepared to start the plan Nash had.

"Here's what I need from you. I need you to direct a concentrated UV blast into the reception conduit. Now, this containment unit with-I am going to release helium into it, and when those two things collide, pop! It should lock Roderick's molecules back into human form."

"Ready?" Nash asked Allegra who she nodded

"We'll go on three," he said ready to start the helium

"One... two... three," he said starting the helium and Allegra started to use her powers, making Roderick molecules to slow down

"It's working." but suddenly it started to charge even more

"No, no, wait. Stop. Wells, enough." he said as the screams started to get even louder

"Stop, you're hurting him!"

"Nash." Barry said taking the helium off, making him be back to his "normal" vibrations, angrily Hartley slightly hit the containment

"Hartley, I'm sorry, but we can try-"

"I was so stupid for trusting you. Don't ask me for anything, ever. My world is over. I hope yours burns." Not saying anything else he left. Straight away Godspeed makes his entrance

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