Chapter 10

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Earth-Prime, Central City, STAR Labs, Cortex

"This photo was taken on Kamila's camera. You see the prismatic fragmentation?" Barry said showing the picture he saw with Kara and Cecile before

"Only your image is affected," Kara said

"I think that the camera's filter is revealing a dimensional shift. Showing us things in the picture from another dimension. Things that don't belong on ours," Barry finished while Siri was trying to come up with something while looking at everyone, then she said

"Cecile, you actually believe this?" she asked

"You seemed off in your office earlier, and... and that photo..."

"That could've been anything. A glitch in the camera tech. Guys this is insane." she said while Barry and Kara went to where the tech from before was

"This prismatic scanner is just a more powerful version of the camera's filter. If we're wrong, and you are from this dimension, then when the prismatic hits you, you'll look completely normal. But if I'm right, you're gonna look just like that photo," he said

"And you're gonna tell us where the real Iris is," Kara add

"Barry, how could you do this? For God's sake, I'm your wife."

"No, no your not, not anymore... And I told you before..." he said looking at Kara

"Okay. You wanna see who I really am? Fine, I'll show you..." she said, taking her coat off and now sitting down. Barry about to shoot was interrupted by Iris saying

"Barry, I just want to say that if anything happens, I... I forgive you," she said

"Forgive him?" Kara asked

"You kicked him out of his house!" she started to say


"Kara..." Barry look at her and then kissed her

"It's fine, don't worry," he said smiling and making her smile

"Now let's finish this so we can get Leviathan and get to Keystone..." he said, once again aiming at Iris, and shooting the prismatic scanner, the problem was... it didn't show Iris was from another dimension, making all the heroes look confused at the situation

"What's happening?" she asks

"Nothing..." Nash said still confused

"Okay... okay, that's... that's enough," Cecile said

"No, something's... something's wrong, all right? Just give it a minute, " Barry said, then Iris stands up and turns off the machine

"Look, I... I don't know how she did this, but... but you have to see that this isn't Iris." Barry said

"No, you're not my husband Barry."

"it's because he doesn't want to be with you anymore," Kara added, then Iris took the machine

"You guys wanna know what the real test is? The real Barry would've not stopped fighting for us. He would've fought to come back home. And the real Kara would have not slept with my husband, she would've known what's right, and what's wrong with that. It's almost three days and you never even tried," she said

"You used to say that I was your lighting rod. Now let's see if you're still mine," then she turns on the machine pointing at the two heroes when they saw what happened they were shocked, when the machine pointed at them they look that they were made from the mirrorverse, Nash and Cecile when they saw the results, they started to walk alongside Siri. After a few seconds, Iris turn off the machine, making a total shock to everyone

"Guys. We are us," Barry said trying to get near them

"We are the real Barry and Kara," Kara add 

"We're... Hey!" Barry yelled when he saw Nash about to shoot when Kara was going to put his body in front of Barry

"Wait! Nash, no!" Cecile yelled and cover both heroes with her body

"Back up," she said making Nash even more confused, and so he did what he was told

"Cecile?" the heroes asked

"You believe us?" he asks, and she starts to nod

"Yes. I do." then she puts Kara some red sun handcuffs

"Cecile? What are you doing?" Barry asks when Nash puts the meta handcuffs on him

"I'm sorry," she said walking back to where Iris is

"I'm really sorry, guys. I'm sorry," she said

STAR Labs Pipeline (Minutes Later)

Barry and Kara were sent to the pipeline since they are still thinking about them as other people, while the real impostor besides them makes them think she is sad about Barry, but on the inside, she is excited since her boss is finally getting her liberation.

"Nash! Cecile! Don't listen to her. That's not Iris!" Barry said while Kara was sitting on the ground still thinking about what Iris said to her

"You know, you guys can stop playing this game, or rot in there. I don't care. Either way, I'm going to find my husband and one of my best friends," she said closing the comms, sighing he sits down next to Kara, when he saw the sad face she had, he started caressing her cheek

"Don't worry, everything is going to be alright, have faith," he said

"I'm sorry," she said

"I should've been a great friend with you two, and not show my real feelings"

"Hey, it's fine, don't worry, I show you my feelings too, and I'm happy I showed them. And don't you ever think you're a bad friend. You're one of the best friends no, one of the best girls someone could ask for, you're brave, intelligent, you care about everyone and you always show a smile even in the darkest days, that makes me happy." he said still looking at her, and now kissing at her, not caring the cameras were recording everything

"I want this to be over so we can go to Keystone... And maybe we can recreate the night we liked each other..." she said changing her mood, everytime Barry talks to her, her mood changes to a happy mood. Then she started to kiss him

"I want this over too," he said once again kissing her.

"But if we want that we need to get the hell out of here," he said

'Supergirl. Dreamer just woke up from a vision. We believe Rama Khan a villain that is working with Leviathan, he is at the Oregon Geological Monitoring Station. We think he's gonna trigger a massive earthquake.' J'onn said thanks to his physic powers, they both sighed knowing they would not get on time.

"Great, how are we going to get out of here? We know this cell is really difficult to break, last time you almost got out of this you were Oliver," she said

"I don't know... but we need to because I don't know what Iris is doing right now, and that guy is going to make chaos if we don't get out..." he said

"We need to check-" she was going to say but someone opened the pipeline, the two of them looked at the person who opened the door who was Cecile. Standing up and walking near her, he asks


"I don't have all the facts. And the ones I do have to tell me that you guys are not who you say you are," she started

"You are Barry, and you are Kara. I know it in my heart. And I'm willing to bet my life on it. Now go and get Iris back." she said moving out of their way. Before they could do anything, they look at each other and passionately kiss the other, after a few seconds they pulled away and Barry said

"I'll go and get Iris. You go and get that guy,"

"Are you sure? If you need some help I can-" she was going to say but he stopped her

"Don't, you need to go and help them, I'll be fine, trust me," he said, and once again, they kissed

"Run Barry, run!" she said, and the two heroes separate so they could go to their mission...

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