Chapter 11

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Earth-Prime, Oregon, Portland, Oregon Geological Monitoring Station

Kara was arriving at the Station just in time when J'onn, M'gann, and Dreamer arrived at the place, Rama Khan was looking somewhere with his magic staff when the Supergirl yelled

"It's over, Rama Khan. Let's end this fast I need to be somewhere else," but the villain yelled and hit the staff to the ground, breaking the ground and making the place rumble

"Oh no, you'll have to wait. Because it's just begun," Supergirl started to look at everything, and the place was about to fall thanks to the staff

"We're in a massive subduction zone. If it ruptures, the results will be devastating." J'onn said looking at the team

"Then we should stop that from happening," M'gann said, and the two aliens phased to the ground, while Dreamer and Supergirl ran to the villain to fight and stop him. And he just chuckles thinking that is going to be easy.

Central City, Barry's Loft

"Next time I speak to you, I will be standing right next to you. Liberated." A mirror showing  Eva McCulloch said while Siri had some blood of Bloodwork about to throw in the mirror

"Success is assured," Siri said seconds later Eva disappeared, showing once again a normal mirror. Siri didn't have the time to do anything when electricity started to sound behind her. Turning around she saw Barry slightly shaking his head.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that..." he said

"Where's Iris?" she started to show a small evil smile, seconds past and he got annoyed

"I'll ask you one more time. Where's Iris?" she didn't respond, she throws the blood into the mirror, making the mirror absorb the blood

"What are you doing?" he asks looking at the mirror, once again she doesn't answer, but this time she makes her arms and hands sharp blades made out of glass, then she tries to hit him but he dodges the hits. As she tries to hit Barry, Siri starts to destroy some parts of the place, making glass bottles break, hitting things from the kitchen, a lamp, but one thing she hasn't hit is Barry. But she finally hits him one time, making a small hole in his shirt. Barry hadn't used his speed by that time, but he was getting tired every second the fight passed. So he didn't have another thing to do, so he used Flashtime to dodge a hit that almost hit his face.

Both of them stop trying to catch their breaths, checking his injured arm he sees some blood on the arm, Siri looks at him and says

"She says you're always going to be her way. And now you're too slow to stop me." he confused asks

"Whose way? Who's making you do this?" As always, she doesn't answer and continues the fight.

Barry this time is focused to know who's behind all this, so he starts to dodge and respond to the hits, the problem is that Siri is right, he's too slow to fight her. Because she hits his cheek, making a large wound on his cheek. Trying not to give up he fights back once again, but the injuries he had were making him even more tired than he already was. She hits his knee making him stumble back to the island, what he didn't see was two mirrors behind him, which she used as an advantage, putting the blade to a mirror she had behind her, that made her hand blade hit him behind, thanks to the mirrors. Moving from the mirrors he went to where he didn't see any mirrors. She smiled

"You should really mind your surroundings," she said looking up and he did the same where a large mirror was. Immediately the mirror broke making the small glasses fall to where Barry is. She started to do the same strategy from before, hitting him as the glasses fall, from the head to the feet. Until she used her two hand blades to stab him on his ribs, all he could do was yell from the pain. Finally, he fell to the ground, he couldn't stand up from the pain.

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