Chapter 29

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Central City, STAR Labs, Speed Lab

It was now night in Central City. Nash, Brainy, and Lena were fighting for their egos while Barry and Cisco arrived from Mercury labs since they needed some materials for the Artificial Speed Force. Sometime later the beautiful blonde arrived at the lab.

"Hey guys, I brought you something to eat!" she said, passing to the cortex with some Big Belly Burger in her hand.

"Not now!" Nash said.

"I have to beat these two," Lena said.

"Hi and goodbye Kara," Brainy said, the three of them didn't look at the blonde. Confused, she leaves the food there and walks to the Speed Lab. When she arrived she saw the two friends looking at the blueprints.

"Please tell me you guys are not going to kick me out," Kara said. "Of course not, why would I do that?" Barry smiling walked to her girlfriend pecking her on the lips.

"Thank you. And what is happening there?" Kara asked when the separated

"I call it "Ego fight," Cisco said walking to them. He left her less confused, but she still doesn't understand and Barry saw that. "They're fighting for who is going to finish the machine first and if it actually works," he said.

"Makes sense what you said," she said looking at Cisco.

"How are you doing?" Kara asked

"Well after some time, we finally got the tools to finish the Artificial Speed Force," Barry said putting his hand on her shoulder

"That's great!" Kara said, leaning her head to his shoulder.

"Yeah it is, and soon we'll be able to make Barry the new Speed Force God," Cisco excitedly said, Kara hearing that was happy but preoccupied with his friend.

"We first need to look if it's really going to work," Barry said

"Oh, Cisco!" Kara said remembering the I.D. card


"Can you do us a big favor?"

"Get out of here so you could-" Cisco started saying but she interrupted him. "No! Right now we need to work, but that might happen in one of these days,"

"Mmm, I shouldn't have said that joke," Cisco mumbled, and the two heroes laughed with their cheeks red.

"Now, what is the favor?" He asks seriously, she takes the card out of her pocket.

"This," she said handing the I.D

"What do you want me to do with this I.D. card? From... McCull- wait for a second, how did you get this?" Cisco said processing everything and making Kara giggled.

"Remember the guy that gave Iris the info about Black Hole?" Kara asked the two of them and they nodded.

"Well, I got her that interview. One of the problems is we need to enter with an I.D. card, that's when I remember about Mr. Hekker. One of the things I got was his address. So Allegra and I went to check if the wife was still there, she actually was there so we got his I.D. Thanks to that Ralph and Sue can enter the McCulloch tech disguised," she finished.

"So you want me to recreate the I.D's with the faces Ralph and Sue are going to have?" Cisco asked

"Yes, can you do that please?" Kara said.

"I'll finish the machine while you do that," Barry said to him while eating some of his fries. Then he waved to the couple good-bye and went to his office.

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