Chapter 2

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Earth-Prime, National City, Alien Bar

Barry and Kara look at each other, then the drinks arrive, and Barry uses that moment to talk "Kara... I'm so sorry I didn't talk with you after crisis, we both had our problems, but I forgot to ask you how were you feeling, I was so focused on taking Oliver to the Lazarus pit and when we were on the Vanishing point I just went to the Speed Force to find answers to go and save everyone, but I didn't stop to check on you or anyone... I was selfish, I am selfish... I just don't know what to do, without Oliver, Iris, or Jay... They helped me a lot and now... Oliver is gone, Jay is gone and Iris... Iris kicked me out of the house, and said she doesn't feel the same way she felt," he said

"Barry... you are not a selfish person, you were looking to save a friend that gave his life for ours, you weren't the selfish one... I was, I mean just look, before we went to the Vanishing Point, I was going to take the Book of Destiny just to save my Earth without thinking of the consequences, if it wasn't for Kate something horrible would have happened. But Barry... you are not alone. Oliver made this decision so both of us could be here saving the world. I didn't meet Jay, but I think he was a great person. I mean if he taught you about the Speed Force and Iris will come back sooner than you know. But Barry you are not alone, I'm here with you, you are my superfriend and I will help you, no matter if I had problem, don't forget that," she said holding Barry's hand, they stare each other for a while, finally, Barry talked after a few minutes

"Thank you, Kara, thanks for everything, I'm sorry I couldn't help you but I'm sure every one of Earth-38 would be proud of you, sorry, not just earth-38, every earth is proud," he said, and Kara was blushing at that comment, it meant a lot for her coming out from her superfriend.

"You know what?" she said happily

"What?" he said confused

"Tomorrow I will not work so..."


"Waiter!" she screamed to a waiter near them, he was still confused about the actions of Kara, so he just watched everything and decided to wait until she finished talking to the waiter to ask her what's going on, she whispered to the waiter's ear so he could not hear what she ordered, after a few minutes the waiter came back with two glasses with something that looked like an apple juice.

"What is that?" he said raising the drink

"Aldebberan Rum"

"Alde- what?"

"It's a drink that it's deadly for humans but it's really cool on me, well not that cool but you get it,"

"If you say that is deadly for humans why do you give it to me?"

"You told me your metabolism is really fast so I think you can take it, you might get a little drunk"

"If this thing drunks me and I get a hangover, that I can't even run, I'm going to blame you for not saving Central City" When he said that she started to laugh

"Don't worry, I'm going to help you if that happens"

"For helping each other" he said

"For helping each other" she repeated

"Let's see who drinks it faster" she said teasing him

After both of them drank their Aldebberan, both heroes started to feel a little dizzy, but they let it pass it by, for a while...

"Wow... that was really strong," he started making weird faces

"Yeah... I forgot what it felt like"

After the drinks, both heroes started to play some pool even though Barry wasn't a really good player after Kara hit the 8 ball to win the game Barry moved her so she could fail the hit.

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