Chapter 22

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Central City, 42nd and Darby

Barry with his suit of the Flash and Ralph with the suit of the Elongated man entered the warehouse, looking at all the places they turned on the comms.

"Guys, we're in," Barry said

"All right. Be careful. A place like that could have a guard or two." Nash said,

"More like five," Ralph said, Barry looked at one of the guards down, kneeling he tried to see if he was dead or still alive.

"They were all stabbed," Barry said after seeing the guard, Ralph looking at the other guard says

"By a mirror-bayonet, I'm guessing. That is a lot of bad-guy stuff," he said now looking at the files and weapons that are on the warehouse "It's Black Hole's depository," Barry said standing up. Ralph then found some files that have the last name of someone he knows "Dearbon" then he starts to take out the files.

"Sue said that Carver was blackmailing her parents," He started, opening the files he saw a lot of things that had the names of the parents of Sue.

"These are bank statements, investment records. This must be everything that Carver has on them. I'm taking this." He said looking at Barry, he simply nodded "All right." Then he sensed a weird smell

"It smells like gasoline in here." Walking to the place where the smell started he finds Singh pouring out the gasoline everywhere.

"Singh," stopping he said "I don't wanna hurt anyone else," Ralph then puts down the files and puts his hands up while Barry does the same.

"Tell that to those guards you killed."

"They left me no choice. I have to assure Eva's success," said Singh

"Just put down the flare gun. Help us bring Carver to justice." he started to laugh

"Mother's not interested in your brand of justice." as he said that, he continued to pour the gasoline on the ground, while Barry was yelling "Singh!" When he finished he looked at the heroes.

"This isn't you," he said

"You still don't get it, do you? Carver was there that night. He let the mirror keep her. He never tried to rescue her. Instead, he sold her tech to the highest bidder. For weapons, blackmail, or worse. And that is why Carver is a dead man," he said, and when he finished telling the story, he shot the gasoline, making fire on the warehouse. Barry tried to use his arms as a way to stop the fire.

"Uh, not working," Ralph said, seeing that Ralph was right and that it was about to explode, not thinking twice he immediately grabs Ralph and takes him outside.

"Guys?" Allegra asks through the comms

"Allen, Dibny, are you guys there?" Nash now asks, Ralph putting out the fire that was on his boot says "Barely. What do we do now?" Barry trying to catch his breath says "The only thing we can. Protect Carver,"

National City, Luthor Corp

Kara and Lena were on Luthor-Corp prepared to put Kara on Obsidian so she could save the more than one billion people who entered the event. While the others were outside prepared to fight whoever dares to fight them. Kara was sitting down, waiting for Lena to bring obsidian VR, but she couldn't stop thinking about Barry and how he is.

"Kelly opened the back door into the festival. It should help protect you-" Lena started saying bring the VR, but she noticed Kara wasn't paying attention.

"Kara? Kara!" Lena said breaking Kara's trance

"Uh, sorry, I was just..." Kara started to say when Lena interrupted her

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