Chapter 25

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Earth-Prime, Central City, McCulloch Technology, Carver's Panic Room

"Eva's gonna be here any minute," Kara said looking at Carver preoccupied

"We have to get your ion field back up. Is there an alternate power source?" Barry asked

"The sub-basement. There's remote access to a secondary generator," Carver said opening the mirror door once again.

"Guys, hold them off as long as you can. I'm gonna get the power back on," Barry started to run, as she ran beside him.

"Barry, Wait!" She said

"You two do that. I know how to handle traitors," Carver said, closing the door, and turning on his phone.

"Kara, go back with Carver! You need to stay with him while I go and turn the powers back on," Barry said arriving at the Sub-basement level

"You don't have enough speed. You need my help," Kara said holding Barr's hand

"Don't worry, I'm going to be fine," he said.

"Danvers! Allen!" Singh said, arriving at the basement.

"Singh," Barry said looking at him

"You don't wanna do this. This isn't your will," Kara said doing the same. Singh calmly said. "Eva's will is my will," Then he starts to crack the same way Iris did weeks ago. When the mirror Singh finally broke Eva appeared, aiming his new mirror gun at them with her hand, first she shot Barry who met the wall, knocking him down.

"Barry!" She said kneeling beside him, madder she stands up.


"Don't worry, he's going to wake up in a few minutes... Just like you," she said.

"I don't think so..." she said. Eva starts to shoot at her, but with every shot she makes, Kara evades every one of them.

"Is that everything you got?" Supergirl asks

"Okay, now I'm mad," Eva said. She makes something, changing her gun, Kara then starts to feel weak.

"Wh-what's hap-happening?" Kara started to ask.

"Well... since I know you're a Kryptonian, I may use something to my advantage," she said using her new gun made out of Kryptonite.

"See you later, Supergirl," Then she shot her, who threw her next to Barry. Before Kara could see just dark Eva says.

"Success is assured," She walks away, leaving the couple knocked down.

Some minutes later Barry started to wake up. Grunting he sees Kara knocked down, "Oh, no," he muttered.

"Kara! Kara! Please wake up!" he said.

"Please, Kara... I need you to wake up... I don't want to lose the love of my life," he finished, giving up she starts to hug her.

"No..." He said. Suddenly she wakes up.

"Ba-Barry..." Before she could say anything he passionately kisses her.

"I thought I lose you," he said

"We have the same thought by the looks of it," she says

"Eva... we need to go," Kara starts to hear everything that is happening.

"Barry, you need to go with Carver, Eva is with him, I'll go and help the others, please take care," she said, pecking him on the lips.

"Please take care too," he said. The two of them speed to their respective places.

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