Chapter 18

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Earth-Prime, National City, Kara's Loft

Kara woke up to see Barry still asleep, this time she remembered everything and she now is happy that happened. Standing up she grabs the shirt Barry used the day before, then walks to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the two of them. Finishing the delicious breakfast she puts the plates on the island, as she is about to see if Barry is awake she knocks on the door. Walking to open the door she sees Lena, both of the girls look at each other, then Kara looks at her outfit she has and looks down embarrassed but still, she is sad about Lena. Remembering the words Nash said to her not saying a word she lets her in.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you at a busy hour," Lena said, entering the loft and closing the door.

"It's... It's fine." Kara answered crossing her arms, there was a tense silence after that.

"I have made a terrible mistake," Lena says playing with her hands.

"I was hurt. I was so hurt. And... I thought I could get rid of the hurt. I thought that I knew better, that I could make the world a better place. But I was wrong. That hurt, um, took me down a dark, dark path, where I was blind to what I was really doing, to what I'd become." She continued on the verge of tears.

"You were right. This whole time I became a villain, and then... I'm not looking for forgiveness. I know what I said and I know what I did, but I am... I am really hoping that you will believe me right now. Okay? Lex is working with Leviathan, and they're going to use Obsidian to do something terrible... using the system. That I made with my project I didn't know I was helping them, but I did. And... Now I want to help stop them, so... Please, okay? I want to help stop Lex and Leviathan." She finished with some tears. Barry, who was hearing everything she was saying, walks to the kitchen and grabs a chair.

"Sit down." Kara looks at him shirtless

"What are you doing?" She whispers

"Helping you get back your friend." he says, smiling she says "Thank you." and hugs him.

"We should really change, this is not the proper clothes to talk with a friend," he says, making her blush

"Can you wait for a second so we can change?" Barry asked

"Take your time." she just answers, the two of them walked Kara's bedroom

"You really are a superhero, Barry Allen," she says closing curtains.

"What can I say? I just wanted to help you with one of your best friends," he said, kissing her, which she gladly accepted.

"Now let's help Lena and get over this," she said walking to change. After they changed Lena talked about everything that had happened, Kara texted her friends while Barry was paying attention. Minutes later after they talk Lena stands up from a couch.

"Thank you for letting me in, Kara and Barry. It's been a year and I still haven't come to terms with what I did. Shot my brother and... I mean, I thought I was protecting everyone but it really started all that-"

"I don't wanna talk about the past. All that matters now is the thread ahead of us and how we are going to stop it." Kara said sitting on the couch beside Barry

"Understood," she said. Immediately there was a big sound, looking at the sound it was J'onn, M'gann, Alex, and Nia entering the loft, aiming at Lena, she yelled.

"Get down on the ground, now!"

"No, Alex, no," Kara said standing up with Barry protecting Lena

"You texted 911." Alex protested

"Not about her. She's here to help us stop Lex. And Leviathan." Barry said

"Oh." Alex said, putting down the gun." When they tell everything once again about everything J'onn asked. "So Lex and Leviathan are planning something using the Obsidian virtual reality platform."

"And my tech likely made that possible," Lena added

"That must be why Rama Khan went after DEO's kryptonite."

"To keep Supergirl from interfering." Nia finished

"Well, the joke's on Rama Khan and his big dumb gladiator outfit. Because I already defeated him once." Kara said still sitting on the couch

"Don't be rash, Kara. He's tied to the earth. Which means he can track your slightest movements. If you use your powers even once, he will sense them, and attack." J'onn said

"With all that Kryptonite at his fingertips, he could kill you."

"I'll protect her," Barry said, everyone looked at him knowing he's not really fast.

"Wi-with your help of course."

"Just like we protected the DEO?" Alex asked

"It's not a checkmate. Not yet. I haven't made Kara an anti-Kryptonite suit in this world. But I could. Just need to get you safely to my lab." Lena said

"Your lab is across the city. And Kara, and we don't know if Barry can use his powers." Alex said

"We could get her there. If we had the right distraction." J'onn said. M'gann smiled looking at J'onn and said "Or the right decoys." J'onn understood. "No, no, no way. Absolutely not. I can tell those pants will chafe." he said.

Minutes later after so much discussion about it they convinced him. So the aliens morphed into Kara in her suit. J'onn looking at the mirror he tries to get comfortable, but nothing could make him comfortable.

"Ugh. I was right." J'onn as Kara said with his voice. M'gann as Kara walks beside him and with her voice says

"I quite like it." she starts to see the cape and the suit.

"This is really weird," Barry says looking at them and to Kara.

"This is just like the beginning of Deathly Hallows," Nia says really happy

"Moody and Hedwig died," Kara said

"You lost comrades in battle? My condolences." M'gann said not knowing about those people being from a movie.

"No it's..." Barry tried to say, but everyone knew it would be really complicated telling her, so all of them decided to not tell about that.

"Dreamer and I will draw Rama Khan out in Courtney Park. M'gann, Alex, you move across the rooftops to cover us." J'onn says

"While they're distracting Leviathan, you, Barry, and I will make our way to Luthor-Corp, so he can protect us if they bring Kryptonite." Lena says, Alex grabs Kara's hand and says "Come here. I have to show you something." Taking her to her room and closing the curtains.

"Okay. Stay right there." She said. Then she turns something on, making a suit appear on her body. Kara screams in amazement

"Oh, my God!" Barry and J'onn run to open the curtains.

"J'onn made it for me."

"She looks great!" Kara said to J'onn

"Wow. Nice suit." Barry said

"It was a scream of delight. Thank H'ronmeer." J'onn said. Everyone looks at them happily and is amazed by the suit.

"Well, we should probably get going. Stay safe out there." Kara said, everyone left. Leaving Kara, Barry, and Lena.

"Are you ready?" He asked

"I'm ready. Let's go," she said kissing him, and he returned. When they finished they left the loft prepared for the fight

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