Stiles -Void Stiles (ss)

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This is for crazy people only:...

You are in your room, trying to call Stiles after Scott told you they managed to part Void Stiles from him. Then someone knocks at the door.
"Yes?" You say and someone walks in. It's Stiles.
"Are you ok?" He asks concerned before pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm sorry for what happened last night, I couldn't control it"
"But I should have..." you say guiltily "and I didn't. And that's because... I like you Stiles, i like you a lot. I don't care what you're going to say now, but I have to tell you this before I lose you again. I know it sounds weird but that thing kissing me was actually kind of making me feel good. I'm so so sorry."
He doesn't say anything, he just pulls you closer and kisses you.
"I like you too." He says breaking the kiss for a moment.
While you are still kissing, someone walks into your room. You open your eyes for a moment, just to see the disappointment on Void Stiles's face.
"Uh, I see you two are having fun..." he says angry. Stiles walks in front of you, trying to protect you. But he's really weak and Void Stiles just ignores him.
"Go away!" You yell.
"Oh, honey... I thought I told you, I can't stop this. I'm insatiable!" He says laughing.
"What do you want from her?" Stiles asks.
"I want her." He says. "Just another little taste.."
Void Stiles walks towards you and grabs your waist, pulling you closer. He puts both his hands on your butt and squeezes it.
"Now, let me taste it" he says and then crushes his lips against yours. You can still feel his soft tongue touching your lips and then your tongue. Stiles sees it and tries to do something, but Void Stiles pushes him away. He squeezes your butt even harder, making a low moan escape your lips. Your body is crushed against his, but he doesn't stop, pulling you even closer.
"Stop, let her go" Stiles says trying to beat the Nogitsune. But he's too strong and punches Stiles, that passes out almost instantaneously. Void Stiles turns around and faces you.
"I missed this." He says holding you tight in his arms. You can see behind him Stiles slowly waking up.
"Don't tell me you like him over me..." Void Stiles says with a frown on his face "Well I might have killed quite a lot of people, but you can't tell me you didn't like what we did." He says and notices Stiles standing behind him. He lets you go and turns to face him.
"I want her." The Nogitsune tells Stiles, who is now really angry.
"You won't have her, you're a monster!" He yells.
Void Stiles stops for a moment. Then he smiles.
"We could have her both..." Void Stiles says looking at you. He slowly walks towards you and puts his arm around your waist. "We could share.." he says then breaks your shirt open. You try to cover, but Void Stiles already has his hands all over you.
"What are you talking about?" Stiles asks getting closer.
"You like her, I like her, she likes us both..." he says pulling you closer "we could have fun..." Stiles's eyes widen when he understands what the demon is talking about. He looks at you, like he was looking for permission. Would it be okay with you? Of course, you love Stiles. And two Stiles are even better. But it would be weird, really weird.
You gulp and shrug. Stiles slowly walks closer to you and starts caressing your belly.
"Her skin is so smooth..." he thinks running his fingers all over your chest.
"You like it, don't you?" Void asks Stiles.
"How couldn't I?" Stiles answers with a low growl. He tries to stop himself pulling his hand away, but Void grabs it and places it on one of your boobs. You slightly jump and look at Stiles. He froze, he's not moving.
"what am I doing? I love her, but is this the way of showing her? I want her. I could have her. Is it that bad? No, it's not. Her skin is soft and light, she has a nice smell and she's beautiful. But I can't, I can't let the Nogitsune win... What the hell am I doing? Is this okay?" He thinks. Void looks at you and crushes his lips next to yours. He pulls away and lick his lips. "Mmm, cherry lipgloss..." he says.
Stiles looks at you and gently places a kiss on your lips. He puts a hand behind you neck, the other one still on your boob. You start kissing him back. You love those lips. They are soft, but they surely know how to kiss. You put your hand on the side of his face, and you notice a tear rolling down his cheek. You gently wipe it with your thumb. He begins kissing your jaw line and your neck, gently sucking the skin. You can feel his warm breath on your neck, as he buries his face in your hair. He removes his hand from your boob, intending to put it on your butt, but when he tries, he notices there's already Void Stiles's hand on it. He pulls away with wide eyes. That was wrong...
In one hand he's holding his phone, and in the other one your bra. You try to close your shirt, but it's broken, so you cover with your arms. Void Stiles places one hand on your boob and squeezes it. You feel a little pain, but you like it. Stiles drops your bra and gulps.
"I told you, we could have her both..." Void Stiles says slightly licking your lips. He must really like cherry...
"Y-you mean like bad cop good cop?" Stiles asks sarcastically "you're insane, let her go."
"No I won't!" The Nogitsune yells "I want her, she's mine! You could have her, but you chose Malia!"
"What?" You ask sadly, you're voice breaking. So for all this time, it was the Nogitsune that liked you, not Stiles? You're confused, and you start sobbing. "I thought-"
"Yeah, you thought he liked you, right baby? Well he doesn't, but I do! I love you." Void Stiles says looking at you and putting your hair behind you ear. You look at Stiles, tears in your eyes.
"Is this true?" You ask him "Stiles?"
"While I was at Eichen House, I met Malia and we kissed." He says looking at the ground "but I really like you. She didn't mean anything to me!"
"Oh shut up" Void says and turns to you "don't listen to him, you're mine!" He says crushing his lips on yours. He's brutally kissing you and touching your butt, as usual. You put one hand behind his neck, and the other one in Stiles's direction. You want his help, the Nogitsune is dangerous for you. You quickly pull away from the kiss and jump into Stiles's arms.
"So, that's how you repay me for making you feel my love?" He says taking a knife from his jacket. "You're are going to regret this, you both are!" He yells and then runs towards you and Stiles. The Nogitsune wants to hurt you, but Stiles gets in his way. The cold blade slides slowly into his belly, making him scream in pain. He falls on the ground, losing a lot of blood.
"No, oh my god, no, Stiles?! Noo!" You say crying. Is he going to die?
The Nogitsune grabs you and violently throws you on the bed. Than goes to Stiles and turns him around, so now he can see you.
"Now, you're going to see what happens when you're a bad girl.." Void tells you and grabs you by the hips and turns you around. He lies on you and whispers something in your ear. "This, you're not gonna like... but I am." He takes off his shirt and starts kissing you back.
"N-no!" Stiles yells, blood spilling out of his mouth.
"You shouldn't have chosen Malia..." Void tells him smiling. He turns you around again and starts kissing you passionately. His tongue visibly licking your lips and neck.
"Pl-please, sto-p." Stiles says in tears. You can't move, you don't know what to do. You like that he's kissing you, but Stiles is dying. You have to do something.
"Wait..." you say "let me help him, then I'll be yours forever." You tell Void Stiles.
He looks at you and smiles.
"Mmm".  He says, takes his shirt and walks away. You quickly run to Stiles, who's not looking good.
"I'm so sorry..." you tell him, crying.
"It's ok, I was dying anyway!"
"If the Void lives, I'm going to die."
"We'll figure something out, like we always do!" You say and call 911.
"They're on their way. You'll live Stiles. I don't care if you chose Malia, ok? You're going to live, that's what matters."
He gets closer, trying to kiss you, but from behind Void Stiles grabs you and you both disappear in a cloud of black smoke.

Mmm... this was part one! Tell me what you think about it! ;)
EDIT: I was more innocent back when I wrote this story!! ;)

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