Stiles -young Derek (n)

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This is a request!! I'm so excited I hope this is what you wanted!! <3

Plot: young Derek starts flirting with you and Stiles gets jealous.

"I don't get what your problem is, I'm fine." I say to the strawberry blonde girl walking with me.
"So you're telling me you're not dying of jealousy..." she says with a smirk. We're are talking about Stiles and Malia: Stiles and I broke up when he started having horrible nightmares because he didn't want to share every single problem with me. He didn't want to hurt me, he knew that something was going to happen. But when everything came back to normal, he started dating Malia. I thought that once the whole story with the Nogitsune was over, he would come back to me. But he didn't. I cry every night, maybe because he kind of replaced me. I don't know...
"No I'm not. In fact, I'm really happy for them..."
"Yeah sure..." she says knocking on the door of Scott's house. He quickly opens it and we get in.
"No really. I'm good, I'm fi-..." I say but get cut off by the sight of Stiles and Malia making out in a corner. "Oh crap..." I whisper and rush towards the drawer where I know Melissa keeps the Tequila. I take the bottle, I open it and drink a little. As I bring the bottle back to my mouth, a hand stops me. I turn around ready to complain and see a boy I've never seen before.
"I don't think you want to drink more..." he says and takes the bottle away from me.
"Okay 1, give that back I need cuddles; 2, who the hell are you?!" I say trying to take the bottle but he's too tall and I can't reach it.
"Okay 1," he says mocking me "this is not good for you; 2, I'm Derek Hale, nice to meet you." He says and my eyes widen. Scot told me that something had happened to Derek, but I didn't think... this!
"Oh my god..." I say and quickly walk away. I see Stiles talking to Lydia so I walk towards them.
"Yeah, hey, hi, was any of you planning on telling me?" I say with anger in my voice pointing at Derek as I hit Stiles's arm with my hand.
"Ow!" He says and steps back. "We were going to tell you but you disappeared!" He says throwing his arms in the air and Lydia rolls her eyes and walks away.
"What!? I was right there! I was just..." I shut up knowing that he doesn't want me to drink too much.
"You were just what?" He says and looks at the drawer I took the bottle from. "You were drinking? Now?" He says getting angry.
"Yeah, ok? But Derek stopped me, at least he paid attention to me!" I say and walk away. I sit on the couch and think about something else, just to calm down a little. As soon as I calm down, Derek sits next to me.
"What's wrong princess?" He says smirking and I scoff.
"Nothing, and don't call me princess..."
"Aw come on, I can smell sadness and loneliness from here." He says as tears start forming in my eyes and he pulls me in a hug. I bury my face in his neck and find comfort in his arms. It's the kind of contact I needed, but no one would ever give me, not even my parents. I start sobbing slightly and he caressed my back slowly. I pull away, already feeling better and he smiles.
"Alright that's it!" Stiles says grabbing my arm making me stand up and carrying me away from Derek. He stops and I lay my back against the wall. "What the hell are you doing?" He says closing the space between us and putting his hands on the wall.
"He was just helping..."
"How, tell me how was he helping by flirting with you." He says getting angrier.
"I've missed that feeling..." I say starting to cry.
"What feeling?"
"The feeling of being loved, being noticed. No one ever talks to me if not to tell me that someone died!" I say and walk away. I open te door and exit the house and of course it's raining...
Lydia and I got here with her car, so I might just walk home, it's not very far from here.
"Y/n where are you going?" I hear Stiles shout from behind me. "Wait please you're gonna get sick!" He says but I don't stop walking. I already see my house at the end of the street when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around and see a wet, tired and sad Stiles looking at me with worry.
"You-you can't do this to me..." he says and hugs me. He starts sobbing so I hug him back, tightly. "You can't-.."
"I can't do what, Stiles?" I ask and he puts his hands on either side of my face and looks at my eyes.
"You can't leave me, please."
"What?" I say backing away from him "you left me! How can that be my fault?!"
"It's not, but I can't live without you."
"Aren't you with Malia now, then tell her that she can't leave you." I say and walk away.
"But I want you..." he says and I stop, turning around and running towards him. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he puts his hands on my butt to keep me up. I look at him and smile as he crushes his lips on mine, in a heated and passionate kiss. I kiss him back, all the bad feelings I had in these days, gone. Everything now is better, now that he's mine again.
"I love you..." he says and hugs me. I hug him back and smile.

I cried writing this, I'm awful XD! Anyway I hope you liked it please don't forget to vote!!

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