Stiles -Bring him back

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Y/n POV:

Void stiles is sitting on the couch, with duct tape on his mouth. The kanima venom prevents him from moving and probably killing you all with his own hands. His eyes are locked on me as I talk to Melissa about how to bring Stiles back.
"No, I'm not going to let you do that." She says crossing her arms.
"I just want to talk to him."
She scoffs and nod. "Fine!" I nod too and walk towards Void Stiles. He follows every move I make with his gaze as I kneel next to him. I can't see his mouth, but I know that he's smirking under the tape. I remove the tape and he makes a confused look.
"I thought Melissa told to stay away from me." He says with a low growl.
"She did, but I want to talk to you." I say and look at him, trying to find Stiles in his dark eyes. Those eyes, that once looked at me with love and care, are now looking at me with anger and hunger. "About Stiles."
"Oh right, Stiles." He says and slightly shakes his head. "He's gone sweetheart."
"No he's not, I know he's in there somewhere."
"He's gooone, you'll never see him again."
"You're lying." I say as tears start forming in my eyes.
"You're crying." He says and laughs "You're crying just like Stiles is, you know. He's in the back of my head, screaming. He's trying to come back so badly, and only for you." He says nodding slowly as I feel my heart breaking. I've liked Stiles for so long, and now hearing this makes my- no wait it's a trick. I can let him win this way.
"You're lying! Stiles doesn't care about me. And of course he wants to come back, it must be hell what he's going through." I wipe my tears away and get up, grabbing the collar of his shirt and bringing him closer. "I swear to god I'll kill you if you hurt my friends, so get that stupid little smirk off of your face and bring him back." I say and he immediately stops smirking, as his eyes fill with love again. "Stiles?" I ask whispering, my voice breaking as he nods and I start crying. "Melissa!" I shout and everybody runs towards me.
"What?" She asks worried.
"He's back!" I say and Stiles smiles weakly.
"But it won't last long, he's gone for now, but he'll come back." He says and starts crying "I don't have much time... so, Y/n, I- I love you. I have to tell you because I don't know if I'll be able to ever come back again. I love you so much." He says and I hug him, burying my head in his neck. I lift my head and look at him. He leans forward and places his lips next to mine, pulling me in a gentle kiss. The way his lips fit with mine is taking me to other worlds. I'm losing your mind for this boy, and now he told me that he is too.
I pull away and break the kiss and see that he's smiling. It's not the wicked smile he had before, not even the weak smile he did when he came back. This is a smile that I noticed on him when he saw me at the winter formal, I was wearing the dress he bought me; or when I kissed him to save him from a panic attack.
"Thank you..." he says whispering "you give me the strength to fight him, you give me the strength to fight every day. You're my everything, Y/n..." he says and I hug him again. He's here, he's here and he's safe.

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