Mitch -Trap (n)

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You wake up to a cold morning, but the arms of the man you love wrapped around your waist, warms your heart and body. He realizes you're awake and turns his head to you.
"Hey sweetie." He says placing his lips against yours gently. You are now fully awake, and you look at him smiling.
"Morning Mitchy!" You say giggling as he gets on top of you and kisses you passionately, but softly. He breaks the kiss and caresses your soft skin.
"I love you..." he says and the he kisses you again. You love him too, and you've showed him a lot of times.

-~-~-~-~(Time skip —> 2 days later)-~-~-~-~-

As you and Mitch hear a weird thud, you hide. You two were investigating a building were a bomb had exploded. Mitch hides in a closet, but you can't fit in it so you hide under a desk, putting a blanket over it so you can't be seen. You hear walking, every step getting closer to you, as a hand grabs your ankle and pulls you out of your hiding place. You start screaming and you drop your gun by accident.
You see Mitch getting out of the closet, but one of the terrorists hits him in the head with his gun and he passes out.
"Mitch no!" You scream and you feel pain in your head and then black out.

-~-~-~-Time skip ( the night later)-~-~-~-

Mitch's POV:

They got her. They left me unconscious on the ground, but they got her. They wanted Stan to come and get her, but he sent me because he knows it's a trap. As I walk in the abandoned building, holding my gun firmly, I hear sobbing and crying. I know this voice, is te voice of the girl I love.
"Please, let me go..." she says crying "If Stan comes he'll kill you all!"
"No he won't, we are three and he's just one... if he kills on of my men I kill you!" A man says and then I hear the sound of a slap. That asshole slapped her. I'm going to fucking kill him... I quickly open the door kicking it, shooting at the two men in front of me. When I was about to shoot the other man, he grabs y/n by her hair and lifts her head. Her eyes are red, cheeks bruised and neck with evident signs of choking. She also had blood rolling down the right side of her face from where they'd hit her.
"Put the gun down or I'll kill her." The man says placing the gun against your head. "Who are you? Where's Hurley?" The man asked angrily.
"He sent me, but he's on his way. You let her go, he'll be here in less than 5 minutes." I say with tears filling my eyes.
The man starts laughing and unties y/n, she gets up and run towards me.
"Make sure to tell Hurley: next time he sends a kid to a killer, he better tell him not to kill his men..." the man says and shoots y/n in her back, bullet trespassing her chest. She gasps and stops running, backing slightly before falling.
"No!" I scream as she hits the cold ground and cries in pain. I rush over to her, but the man puts her foot on her chest, stopping me.
"Go, go tell Hurley to come here, then I'll let you say goodbye..." he says laughing and I snap. I take my gun and shoot him in the head. His dead body falls and I run towards the girl I love, who is now dying. 
"M-Mitch..." she tries to say with blood spilling out of her mouth.
"Hey. Hey look at me. You're not going to die ok?" I try to say but I start crying. "Stan is coming, he'll help you... he'll save you."
"I-I can't breathe..." she says caressing my cheek "go Mitch... they were calling for backup... they'll kill you too."
"I'm not leaving you." I say shaking my head, tears falling down if my eyes.
"Mitch go, I'll die anyway..." she inhales deeply and wipes some of my tears away. "I love you." She says as I see the life leaving her eyes.
"No wait... I love you too..." I say but she's already dead. She didn't even hear me saying it back. I start crying and screaming, as I take her dead body in my arms, not wanting to let her go. I hear Stan walking in and he grabs my arms. He makes me get up and he drags me away from her. I try to pull away, but other men come and help him.
"No!" I say as they keep me from running to her.
"Come on kiddo, she's gone... I'm sorry." Stan says trying to reassure me. My voice, my eyes, my whole body fills with sadness as the girl I love left me once again.

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