Stiles -last words (n)

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Request! Hope you like (kinda sad)! <3

Your boyfriend Stiles wakes you up at night and you groan, hitting him twice with you elbow as he picks you up and puts you on your feet.
"What the Stiles are you doing hell?" You say and he laughs, moving the hair from your face and kissing you.
"Baby wake up, we have to go." He says kissing your neck softly and you yawn.
"I'm not going anywhere, it's the middle of the night."
"I know and I'm sorry, but we have to go."
"Beacon Hills."
Your eyes widen and you look at him. He runs to his side of the bed and takes his phone, showing him a message from an unknown number that said 'we need you, come home.'
"Who sent that?" You asked while getting dressed.
"I don't know, but I don't like this... we have to go."
"Ok." You say and you both run down the stairs.
You are still kind of asleep, so you don't pay attention to your surroundings and just hop in his car, closing the door and falling asleep again.


"Baby, wake up, we're almost there." Stiles says putting his hand on your leg shaking you slightly, just to wake you up. You open your eyes and look at him: he's smiling, he's happy because he hasn't seen Scott in a while now. You're happy too, you're excited because you're going to see your friends again: Lydia, Malia, Scott, Liam. "We have to stop for a minute before we get there.." he says parking the car and hopping off. You look at him and he turns to look at you. "I just have to pick up something!" He says and disappears in the dark. You look at your feet and then at the mirror in front of you. Your eyes are normal, but to fight you have to turn into a werewolf again. You close your eyes and pay attention to every single sound or smell you can find. You know it triggers you. You open your eyes again, and now they have a glowing bright blue color. Your eyes widen as the color has changed. They were bright red before, maybe the "leaving-the-pack-and-forgetting-about-being-a-werewolf" thing, brought them back to blue.
"Baby look who's here!" You hear Stiles say and you turn around, just to be faced with a really happy Derek. You get off the car and literally jump on him. You're so happy, it's been a lot since you last saw your big brother.
"I've missed you so much." He says and you smile.
"Me too." You tell him and Stiles opens the door of his car, signaling that it's time to go. You both get into the car and Stiles drives away.


After something like 30 minutes, you see Scott and Malia, so you slightly jump, seeing them already fighting. There's a man in front of them, and Stiles is not stopping..
"Stiles, Stiles you're going to-.." you're cut off by a loud thud and the sight of the man flying away. You laugh and turn to see Scott wide eyed.
"Didn't think you're doing this without me, did you?" Stiles says leaning on the car steering wheel. You and Derek both lean forward and look at Scott, who smiles.
"Without us?" You both say in sync and get off the car. He turns into werewolf mode and attacks two men, so you turn too.

Men start shooting in every directions, but you can easily avoid every bullet and you kill some of them. After a minute they just get into their cars and drive away.
"Huh?" You say confused and just stand there like an idiot, then everybody turns to you. "What?" You ask even more confused. You then remember that your eyes have changed, and you haven't told anybody.
"What happened to your eyes?" Scott asks and you look at your feet.
"I don't know Scott, I-I, they just changed one day, like overnight. I'm sorry.." you say and throw your hands in the air.
"No no it's okay, I just thought something bad had happened. It's fine." Scott says and looks at Stiles, who rushes towards you and hugs you. Lydia and Malia do the same, and then Scott and Derek too. You all finish hugging each other in a big group hug, one you really needed. You all pull away and look at Ducalion, laying on the ground, probably dying. Scott kneels in front of him and takes his hand.
"Gerard... what he fears most... he can't beat you... and he knows why..." and then he dies, letting go of Scott's hand.
Tears begin forming in your eyes and Stiles hugs you, so you calm down.
"It's really started, hasn't it?" Malia says looking around.
"What's started?" Stiles asks even more confused then you were.
"It's an all-out war." Scott says before stepping closer and hugging Derek for comfort. As you've always said, Derek's hugs are the best.
"As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion, what are we doing here?" Peter asks and you roll your eyes, noticing that he hasn't changed.
"I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil. There were two words written in blood on a wall." Derek says and you already know what he's talking about. "Beacon Hills." Everyone turns to him and Scott eyes widen.
"You came back for Beacon Hills?" Scott asks Derek.
"No. Came back for you." Derek says and you smile, knowing that he looks all tough and strong, but he has a soft spot after all.
You turn around as you hear Gerard talking from the radio in Stiles's car.


You jump and land on the man that was shooting, killing him and then running towards another one. You kinda like killing people, especially if they're trying to kill you.
You scratch the man's throat and he falls dead on the ground.
"Interesting tactics: jump and attack, really common for a wolf." You hear Gerard say so you turn around. Your eyes flash blue and you run towards him, jumping and letting your claws come out. You land in front of him, but as soon as your feet touch the ground, you hear a loud shooting noise, and you feel a huge pain in your chest. You look down and see blood covering your clothes and your vision starts to blur. But you don't want to let him win, so you raise your arm, and he shoots again, twice. One bullet goes in your belly and the other one right in the middle of you chest. You start backing away from him and you fall, pain rushing through you as your body hits the cold floor.
"Wolfsbane bullets, classic." He says and walks away.
You try to call someone, but the words don't come out of your mouth.
You hear Stiles shout "No!" and you see him running towards you and kneeling.
"Baby, baby look at me." He says raising your head with his hands. Derek runs towards you too and sees the marks of te bullets in your clothes. He starts crying and puts his hand on Stiles's shoulder, comforting him.
"Baby, please, please don't leave me. Ok? Yo-You have to look at me, ok?" He says but your eyes begin closing. "No no Y/n, don't... you're going to be all right, I'll do something, well give you something to make you feel better, I promise..." he says and you look at him, smiling.

Stiles's POV:

She looks at me and smiles, placing her hand on my cheek.
"You already gave me everything I needed Stiles... I love you." She says and her head falls to the side, her soul leaving her body as she dies in my arms.
"Noo! No baby no!" I say and his her tight as Derek starts crying and kneels next to me, placing his hand on her head. "Baby no, please..." I say in between sobs, not being able to stop crying.
My baby, the love of my life, the one girl I wanted to spend my whole life with, is now gone. Now, her dead body is laying on the ground as I cry and cry, I can't even breathe.

Sorry if this turned out to be so long, but I really like it. Love y'all <3

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