Chapter 6

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Nicola's POV

It's finally Friday! Besides Alicia being a bitch, my first week went really well. I got to meet new people and they're pretty cool. The only other drawback from my week was KJ. I suspect that he has a crush on me, but I don't know how to turn him down. I was planning to just chill in my room for the rest of the day, but my friends insisted that I join them to a party. Apparently, it is a tradition that the first week of classes finishes with a party on Friday. I tried to decline, but Justin and Rosé wouldn't take no for an answer. So here I am, getting ready for the party. Rosé demanded that she would dress me. I think that was her polite way of saying that my regular clothes are too "regular." Who was I to complain? She told me I could always borrow her clothes. She said, and I quote, "nae os-eun ne os-iya." She then repeated it in English, "my clothes are yours." Taylor and Hailey came over a little later to get ready with us. Hailey offered to do my hair and Rosé insisted on doing my makeup. Taylor added the final accessories to my outfit and paired some wedges. A few hours later, I gazed back at my reflection. Hailey had curled my dark brown hair to perfection. The waves loosely fell around my face. Rosé had dressed me in a short white, spaghetti strapped dress with blue laced flowers. She didn't do my makeup full glam, but enough for me to stand out. Taylor gave me a silver necklace and earrings. She then ordered me to wear the light brown wedges. Through the mirror, I could see the girls smiling since I approved of their makeover. By 10 pm, we were ready to leave. We walked out the building to see Justin and Shawn waiting outside. Like perfect gentlemen, they complimented us. The two boys offered their arms to us. Hailey and I took Justin's arms while Rosé and Taylor were Shawn's arm candy.

The walk to the party wasn't long. We arrived in front of a mansion. People were on the front lawn drunkenly making out, playing cornhole, or just chilling. My eyes widened in awe as we entered the building. Not surprisingly, it was packed. The scene inside the house was more chaotic than outside. I caught the subtle scent of weed in the air. The ground level had no doors, only archways. I turned my head to the left and saw a crowd loudly cheering on the people singing into the karaoke machine. I then snapped my head to the right and saw people getting riled up over some drinking card game. Behind them was a group playing spin the bottom. The bottle landed on a girl. She smirked before standing up and straddling the guy's lap. Their heated makeout was met with cheers. In the other corner, some people appeared to be playing drunken Jenga. Justin led us further into the party. He had to yell that he was going to get us drinks since the music was blaring. Hailey and I nodded before he and Shawn disappeared from our view. Hailey led us into the room where everyone was dancing to the DJ's soundtrack. From where we were, I could see a water slide outside as well as an inflatable obstacle course and bounce castle. Taylor explained that this was one of the frat houses on campus.

Shawn and Justin were somehow able to find us. They gave us each a can of blackberry flavored White Claw. Shawn yelled to let them know if we wanted more. We nodded and danced to the track. The lights began oscillating among the different features. The smoke machine was also synchronized with the music.

By this time, I was sipping on a cocktail that the bartender made for me. We were swaying to the beat when KJ saw me. He quickly jogged over and embraced me in a hug that was a little longer than a friendly hug should be. He stepped back and complimented me. Everyone greeted him and we all fell into casual conversations with each other. KJ was telling me about the fencing tournament coming up. He was about to ask me to attend when a guy bumped into me. Luckily, my drink was halfway finished so nothing spilt on me. He didn't bother to apologize and continued on walking. KJ asked if I was alright. I told him I was fine and I should just finish the drink so it will no longer be hazardous. I chugged the rest of my cocktail as he was laughing at my lame joke. I set the glass down and continued talking to him. He was about to ask me to attend the event again, when Taylor appeared. I zoned out when Taylor started asking him about fencing practice. I don't know what happened, but I started to feel woozy all of a sudden. I placed both my hands on KJ's shoulder and leaned into him. He instinctively put his arm around my waist.

"Hey, are you alright?" He looked concerned

"Yeah. I'm just feeling a bit dizzy. That's all. I'm just gonna go sit for a bit." I offered up a smile.

"Sure. I'll join you." He rushed out.

"No. It's alright. I'll be fine. I'll just be a few minutes." He reluctantly nodded. I smiled at him once more before making my way to the couch. I plopped down and put my head in my hands. I don't know why, but I'm starting to not feel well. I feel like I have no control over my body.

(Trigger warning ⚠️ ⛔️)

"Hey." A voice grunted out. Through my blurry vision, I was able to make out the silhouette of a guy. "Wanna have some fun?"

"Noooo." I slurred out. I weakly tried to push him off me, but he grabbed my arm and led me upstairs. Halfway upstairs, my legs gave out. The man resorted to carrying me into a room. He then flopped me onto the bed. I was dazed and couldn't move. Through my disoriented state, I saw him set up a camera. He stepped back and adjusted the lense and angle of the camera. Satisfied with his work, he thumbs upped it before walking towards me. He jumped on the bed and started to full on makeout with me. He plunged his tongue into my mouth and groped my breasts. I tried to push him off of me, but my arms wouldn't cooperate. He then moved to my neck and started to suck on it. I felt an uncomfortable thing pressed into my leg. I soon realized it was his boner. He moved off of me and sat up on both knees. He unbuckled his belt and took his pants off. He started massaging his area and I saw the outline of a tent in his briefs. He opened the pouch in the front and I saw his member. He had a wild look in his eye as he stroked his shaft. He clutched the rim of my dress and began to move it up. Before he could get the hem of my dress to my waist, the door flew open. I was so intoxicated that I could no longer move my head. The guy, however, looked in the direction of the door. I heard yelling and the guy quickly dismounted me. The person who scared him away came into my view, but I wasn't able to make out my savior's features. The last thought I had before blacking out was that my hero's silhouette looked feminine. 

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