Chapter 36

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Alicia's POV

I traced my fingers on the walls as I passed through the hallways. The house was pretty quiet so I'm assuming my sisters went back to school. I was originally heading to the kitchen, but I saw the maid leave my father's office with an empty cup of coffee. Since his door was still open, I walked in without knocking to see him doing some paperwork. I leaned on the wall waiting for him to notice me. I waited for about 2 minutes until he broke the silence.

"Did you not see the variety of wheelchairs I left in your room?" His attention was still glued to the papers.

"I saw it and then remembered that I'm not paralytic and my legs work just fine." I uncrossed my arms and sat in a chair.

"You're not supposed to be doing any unnecessary exercise which includes walking." He finally looked up. "You should be happy that I extended exercise to include school. Now, you get a day off." He smiled.

"More like you don't want me around my fiancé." I sassed. "What do you think of Tonkin Enterprises?" I picked my fingernails. Gemma and Zara filled me in on Nic's genius plan.

"Never heard of it. I asked her to explain what products they produce, but she evaded my question for some unknown reason." He paused and waited for me to respond.

"You want to do this now? When I'm still recovering? That's not really paternal."

"You may not get another chance for a while, so I'd take any opportunity you have." He put his pen down and folded his hands.

"Well, I was waiting until I was fully recovered, but..." I gave him an annoyed look. "I'll be breaking off my engagement to Arthur in order to pursue Nic once more. I fully am aware and understand my actions will violate your demands, so I'll make it easier for you and renounce my birthright. I'm sure Tamsin will be happy to know that she'll be getting a share of my trust. I'll legally change my name and will do it quietly so as to not cause any negative press. I do ask that I can wait to leave until I'm fully recovered. That'll be all." I stood up. Right before I left the room, my dad called me back.

"Must you be so overly dramatic. Sit down, Ali." I smirked at him as I sat down. "Tell me, how'd you know?" I feigned confusion causing him to scoff. "How'd you know I was bluffing the entire time?"

"Apart from me being your favorite?" He rolled his eyes at me. "You gave me the deadline while rubbing your pointer finger and thumb together twice. You do that in negotiations when you're bluffing. I pay attention." He smiled since he knew I'd pick that up. "Why is mother on a forever leave under the guise of business?"

"I wanted her gone while I spoke to you. I'm quite sure when she returns she'll have a different outlook on your relationship." I smirked knowing that he financially threatened her. "Tamsin was also quite convincing of why you and Nic should be allowed to continue your relationship."

"Her financial loss." My father rolled his eyes as I dissed Tamsin. "Meeting her changed your viewpoint?"

"As if I ever truly had a problem with you being gay-"

"Bisexual." I clarified.

"Are you not in a gay relationship?" He questioned back.

"Well, I'm not in any relationship at the moment."

"Fair enough. I never cared about your sexuality. Your mother feared public perception, but that was it. The girl you chose is intelligent, has great fortitude, and caring."

"You read her file." I stated.

"Obviously, but let me finish. She'd be great in business and will truly be an ally to you. I denied your relationship initially because I wanted you to fight for it. I wanted to see your passion over someone you loved. What extent you would go through so you could be with her. Similarly, with Gem and Z. If Gem really believes I have no idea about her financial trade to give Chico the money, then... I placed the money back in her account. And you know the whole fiasco with Z and Ryder. I want my daughters to be fighters and you exhibited that greatly. I mean... I think the whole going to the hospital to get my attention was a bit dramatic." We both laughed at that. "But... I ultimately want you to be happy. What better way to find out if you truly love someone then when they're gone. It shows you what truly matters. Now, rest up and then go and get your girl." I got up and hugged my dad. "Also, I expect the homophobic thought process at that school to change." He said before releasing me. "And I know my daughters can see to that." He gave me a soft smile.


It's been a few days since I've been released from the hospital and I still couldn't muster up the courage to call Nic. Even my dad was getting antsy, but I just couldn't do it. He made an executive decision to demand that my sisters and friends help me out. So here we were. My sisters, Astrid, Yaz, and I were on my bed formulating a plan on how I can get Nic back. They said the girl clearly loves me and would definitely get back together with me, but I didn't want to do something so easy. I've put her through enough stress to just take the easy way out. I wanted to do something big, but not too extravagant since I knew she wasn't a big fan of the dramatics.

"I've got it!" Tamsin clapped her hands together. We all eyed her suspiciously. "Okay, I know I don't have the best track record, but hear me out."

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