Chapter 11

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Alicia's POV

This past week has left me exhausted. At the dinner function, dad introduced this guy named Garrett Sommers to us. Zara and I spent the entire evening funneling him between us. Neither of us had even the slightest interest in holding a conversation with him. He was polite and nice, but we weren't interested in being set up with him. Unfortunately, he fancied me over Zara so it was harder for me to shake him.

Sunday was spent discussing legal actions against Rohan with my lawyer. I wanted the case not to hit the media since I didn't need my dad finding out. We were able to get in contact with the Korfu's lawyers. At first they weren't happy, but after a couple of threats, they decided to comply and remove their son from the academy and buy out my family's shares. All in all, Sunday was a productive day.

Monday was a drag as usual. It turned melancholic because Astrid had received word that her grandmother had passed. She decided to return to Singapore to be with her family during this hard time. Yaz and I showed our support by sending flowers to her family. I took out my anger over Astrid's current state on the tennis court.

"Oi. I know you're doing amazing, but why you so aggressive?" His Russian accent rang out thick.

"I thought I always need to play aggressive. That's what you say." I fired back.

"Yes, but you never do it... so, what's wrong?"

"Astrid. Her grandmother died and I feel bad since she's so distraught."

"As a friend should." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You just need to be there for her." I meekly nodded. "Now, continue! This is one of the few times that you're practicing well." I scoffed at his smirk before whipping a ball past him.


Normally, I'd just stare at Nicola when she wasn't paying attention. That way I wouldn't be caught; however, on this particular Wednesday, I wasn't content just watching her. I felt a tinge of jealousy as I watched KJ flirt with her in Calculus. I mean... I know that math isn't exactly his forte, but do you seriously need to ask her a question every 2 minutes. I rolled my eyes as I watched her laugh at another one of his lame jokes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sarai asked.

"Yeah. Just want it to be lunch." I answered as to not create suspicion. She nodded with a smile before continuing on with the problem set. I glanced down at my paper and realized that I had to actually do something so that I'd get credit for today. I quickly did the questions and turned in my sheet.

"What was the record this time?" My math teacher asked me.

"Not sure. Wasn't really keeping track."

"Well, you've always had a knack for this... just like your father."

"One of the many ways that I'm like him." I politely smiled before exiting out the door. I didn't want to watch KJ make googly eyes at Nicola any longer than I had to. I was walking down the corridor when I heard a girl harshly whisper at someone. I peeked my head into the stairwell to see Zara and Ryder.

"So what do you say, sexy? Wanna head to my place?" He trapped her between himself and the wall.

"Is that what you say to all your concubines?" She crossed her arms.

"Nah. Why can't you just go on a date with me?" He frowned.

"Because I don't like you." She avoided his gaze.

"Is that true?" He placed his hand under her chin and gently lifted it up so that their eyes met.

"Why don't you think it's true?" She fired back with an annoyed look. She then pushed him off and walked upstairs. Ryder just sighed before running a hand through his ginger hair. I quietly backed away. The bell sounded so I just walked to the lunch hall. I sat down with my friend group and we began talking about how we think Gabby is sleeping with the Physics professor. Yaz shortly arrived and sat next to me. She was excitedly telling me about this new recipe that she wanted to try out. I found it hard to pay attention because Nicola suddenly entered the room. KJ and her parted ways and she made her way to her usual table. She placed her stuff down before retrieving food. I saw this as my opportunity.

"I'm gonna get some food." I told Yaz.

"Want me to come with you?" She started pushing her chair out.

"Nah. It's cool." I then abruptly left the table.

I saw Nicola reaching for the last slice of red velvet cake, so I quickly snatched it. She looked at me in disbelief, but her expression softened when she recognized it was me. I smiled while placing the cake on her tray.

"Gotta be quicker than that. Someone could've easily snatched the last piece from you." I smirked.

"Luckily, it was the person who watches their diet VERY closely and doesn't eat sweets." She quipped. I chuckled at her since she's rather observant. With my health condition, it's recommended that I avoid processed foods.

"I'm surprised that you actually eat the food here. I thought your private chef would prepare all your meals." She teased.

"Why have that when the food is just as good here?" I joked back. "How's your day been so far?" She groaned in response to my question. "That bad?" I laughed.

"Not bad, just..."


"Fine. I woke up late, so I missed my first period. Not the best look. Especially, when your teacher emails you to ask why you weren't in class!"

"What'd you tell her? That you were sick?"

"I told HIM that I'm on my period and have terrible cramps." She proudly stated. I laughed at her wittiness. "And how was your day? Since you don't talk to me anymore." She sassed.

"What do you mean? I'm speaking to you right now." I flashed her a smile.

"You don't speak to me in math."

"That's because you sit across the room."

"You still can talk to me." She pouted. Aww she looked so cute right now. She glanced around and noticed all eyes were on us. "Why are people staring at us?" She whispered.

"Because their parents didn't teach them proper manners." I whispered back. "How about we walk to lunch together from now on?" She quickly nodded, so I sent her a quick wink before retreating back to my table. I sat down and met Yaz's questioning eyes. "What?"

"Hmph. Where's your food?" She turned the other way and began speaking to our other friend. Shit. She caught me. 

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