Chapter 10

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Nicola's POV

I have no idea what possessed me to kiss Alicia's cheek. I quickly exited the car and did a curt wave before dashing inside. I entered my room to see Rosé writing a poem. She stopped once she saw me and rushed to give me a hug.

"Oh my God! Are you okay? We were looking for you, but some girl said that Alicia took you back to her place. We tried calling you, but you left your phone here." She held up my phone.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." I explained everything that happened at the party as well as my day with Alicia. Once I started talking about how Alicia showed me around Boston, Rosé couldn't keep the shit eating grin off her face. She began saying that Alicia obviously had feelings for me and that I somehow melted the ice queen's heart. I begged to differ, but she wouldn't stop declaring that Alicia was in love with me. I could settle with like, but love was pushing it.

"Fine. Since you won't believe me, I'll need to get the other girls' opinions. Want Korean barbecue?"

"I would, but I don't have the money and don't want to leech off of you guys."

"Alright. How about I GET Korean barbecue for myself and it just SOOOO happens to be a lot and I need help eating it?" She grinned. I sighed since I can't win with her.


It was finally Sunday and I could relax. The girls and I were out late last night. When Rosé claimed that she'd order a lot of food, I didn't expect her to order the entire menu. She freaked when she discovered that I never had Korean barbecue before and decided that I had to sample every item on the menu. Besides that, all the girls agreed that Alicia may like me. Obviously, they had no solid proof since Alicia had never dated a girl before, at least publicly. I tried to tell them that she's straight, but they didn't seem to buy it.

"Straight my ass!" Rosé's eruption caused people to look at us.

"She probably couldn't even come out if she wanted because of her fam." Taylor said through bites.

"I think she's just being friendly." I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that she may feel something for me. I'm just a basic poor girl and she's... well, she's Alicia. I could never provide for her or give her the life that she's accustomed to.

"You like her don't you?" Hailey nudged me. I blushed in response which caused the girls to squeal.

"You're a lesbo, right?" Rosé asked.

"Umm... yeah. How could you tell?"

"Because I have awesome gaydar... and because you were blushing the entire time you were talking about Alicia." She shrugged.

"I bet Alicia is a closeted bisexual at least." Hailey tossed $5,000 check onto the table. My eyes widened at the amount of money.

"Nope. She's a lesbian." Taylor wrote $10,000 on a napkin and tossed it into the middle.

"Queer at least." Rosé manically laughed as she wrote $50,000 on a napkin and tossed it in the middle. "Ha. I have more wiggle room than you guys." The others slumped their shoulders while I nearly had a heart attack at the amount of money they were betting. After we finished dinner, we headed back to campus. Rosé's sister called to meet up with her, so she left the dorm room. I took that opportunity to call my friends back home.

"Whazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!" Rue greeted me.

"Did you watch scary movie again?" I laughed.

"Nothin. Just chilling." Her dimples deepened into her chocolate skin. I laughed at her quoting the movie.

"Killin." Logan chimed in. His black curls flopped around as he was laughing. "How you liking the rich life?"

"You know I'm the farthest from rich and they're alright."

"Better than your poor friends back home?" Rue had a faux hurt expression.

"Totally." Rue and Logan laughed at my joke.

"Tell us everything." They simultaneously demanded. I chuckled before telling them everything ranging from meeting Rosé to my day with Alicia.

"Bruh. That girl took you on a date." Logan stated. Rue nodded in agreement.

"No. She was just being nice."

"Nice would be dropping you off at home, not taking you to her house and nursing you back to health. And then taking you out to brunch and showing you around the city. Maybe her initial hatred of you was due to her closeted lesbianess." I rolled my eyes at Rue.

"She's right." Logan and Rue virtually fist bumped.

"Dude, I forgot to tell you, but Willa is like totally depressed." Rue stated. Logan nodded while looking at me.

"Well, she's the one who broke up with me when she found out I was transferring here. She literally broke my heart." I whispered. Logan and Rue gave me sympathetic looks. I know if they were here then they'd be embracing me right now. "How is she?"

"She keeps asking us about you. I know that you guys parted as friends, but..."

"I know, Logan. It's just sucks that-"

"Who you talking to?" Rosé appeared next to my ear. I squealed and jumped in surprise. She was so quiet that I didn't hear the door open. Rue, Logan, and Rosé broke out into hysterical laughs.

"My friends back home. Rosé meet Rue and Logan. Guys, Rosé." I introduced them. Rosé greeted them and excitedly waved back.

"You're cute. Wanna make out?" Rue caused Rosé to blush.

"Quit it, Rue." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'm bisexual, but I am turning into a rosexual." I rolled her eyes at her lame flirtation. Rosé blushed, but explained that she only came back because her sister discovered that she stole her sunglasses and wanted it back. Rosé said goodbye before leaving again. "She is really cute."

"I can tell you think that." We then caught up for a few more hours before we decided to call it a night.


"Be honest with me. Am I just dumb?" KJ scratched his head. The teacher gave us a series of problems and told us that we could collaborate. We were ¾ way through the problem set and KJ hasn't gotten one problem correct.

"Nah. It's just a little difficult."

"Says the girl who's been carrying me through this class." He chuckled. "Sorry for leeching off of you. I hate that I'm holding you down." He apologetically said.

"You're not. Plus, it shows that I actually understand the material if I can properly explain it. And I'm obviously not doing the best job at explaining." KJ and I laughed.

"So what are your plans for the weekend?"

"My family is coming to visit, so I'm super excited." I grinned.

"That's wild. They're flying from NC?"

"They wish. They're actually driving here."

"How long is that?"

"About 12 hours."

"12 hours?! In a car?!" KJ's eyes bulged out. I nodded with a smile. "Damn. Does it get cramped?"

"Yep, but we have to finish this assignment."

"Yeah. You're right. Sorry about that."

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