Chapter 7

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Alicia's POV

"Finally, the week is over!" Astrid cheered. She unbuttoned her suit jacket before jumping onto my bed. She clutched her purse as she was spread eagle.

"I totally agree with you." I moved beside her on the bed.

"What's this?" Yaz held up a piece of paper. "Hello. I would like to thank you for-"

"A thank you letter from one of my scholars." I propped my head onto my hand. Yasmine chuckled as she read the rest of the letter.

"I wonder how she's gonna react when she realizes that you're her sponsor." She put the letter back onto my desk.

"Who? Nicola?" Astrid asked. Yaz and I nodded. Astrid now joined Yasmine in laughing about my predicament.

"So what are you wearing for tonight?" Yasmine struggled to get out through her fits of laughter.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?!" She sputtered out. "It's the first Friday of the school year. The party tonight. Duh!"

"Yeah. I'm not in the mood. I'm tired out, so I'm gonna spend the night in."

"I second that." Astrid cuddled into my side.

"This is ridiculous. You guys are coming!" Yasmine persisted, but Astrid and I ignored her. Yasmine let out a sigh before a thought occurred to her. "Astrid, we can have dim sum tomorrow if you come and if you can convince Alicia to attend." Astrid's eyes shot open.

"Come on, Ali!" Astrid shouted

"Traitor." I groaned into my pillow. Astrid and Yasmine started to hit me with pillows. It was totally unfair that they decided to gang up on me. They cheered in victory when I surrendered. "So what am I wearing tonight?" I smirked at Yaz. She grinned before grabbing Astrid to raid my closet. They soon came back with the dresses we would be wearing. Yaz would be wearing a v-neck backless, short hunter green dress. Astrid would be wearing an off the shoulder, short, plum dress. And I would be wearing a short, royal blue dress. It was similar to the dress Yaz would be wearing, but it wasn't backless. We did our makeup and accessorized ourselves. I called my chauffeur to drive us since more than likely we would be wasted.

The journey wasn't that long since it was late and traffic had died down. Marcus, my chauffeur, exited the driver's seat and opened the back door of the Rolls Royce. He assisted us out and bowed before driving back to my house. I linked arms with Astrid and Yasmine before we walked inside. The three of us headed straight for the kitchen. We arrived and took our first round of shots. Our faces contorted in displeasure at the taste of the tequila. Astrid urged us to do another shot, so we did two more instead. We were now buzzed and ready to enjoy the party. The three of us split up. Yasmine went to find the potheads to smoke with them, Astrid wanted to play strip poker, and I went to the pool. I dipped my feet in the water and scrolled through my phone. I looked up to see Gemma and Francisco swimming in the pool. They waved at me when our eyes met. I happily waved back at them. Zara was sipping on a drink while talking to Ryder. I quirked an eyebrow as I observed them. Zara must have felt my gaze since she turned in my direction. She replied to my smirk by rolling her eyes. She turned back to Ryder and continued on with their conversation. She's lucky that Tamsin decided to travel with Laurens to the Hamptons. If Tamsin were here, she'd make a big deal about them being together since my family doesn't really approve of his. I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that I drank all of my cocktail. I stood up and headed to the bar station. I was about to order my drink when I heard a commotion. KJ, Taylor, Hailey, Rosé, Justin, and Shawn were racing around the room. I overheard KJ ask this guy if he had seen Nicola. Recognizing the confused look on the guy, KJ started to describe what she looked like. She must've gotten lost. I chuckled as I thought about her scared face trying to find her friends. I was about to dismiss the thought of her entirely, but I overheard a football player whispering to his friends. At least, he thought he was whispering.

"Yo! I saw Rohan carry a girl upstairs. She looked completely wasted. You know what's happening up there." He started simulating sexual gestures. My eyebrows furrowed. Could Nicola be the unconscious girl? My heart rate quickened. I don't know why, but I felt scared all of a sudden. I quickly made my way through the hoard of people. I had to push through them until I was able to make it to the stairs. I climbed the steps two at a time. I then frantically started opening random doors. My heart rate intensified as I kept opening doors only to find that she wasn't there. My heart started to hurt from all of my worry. I don't really talk about this, but I have a heart condition; congenital heart disease to be exact. In other words, I was born with a hole in my heart. I'm able to compete competitively in sports because I take medicine, but I forgot to take it today. Just my luck when I'm in a panic! I began to lose hope at my failed attempts to find her. Thankfully, I opened a door and saw her on the bed. I breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became angry at the sight in front of me. Rohan was hovering over her. His hands were on the hem of her dress. He looked at me in shock.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I screamed. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I'LL HAVE YOU EXPELLED! I'M GOING TO HAVE YOU ARRESTED!" He quickly scrambled off of her and grabbed his pants before running past me. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him onto the wall. He groaned as he fell to the ground. He squirmed and groaned as I kicked him in the balls. He then crawled away from me. I took a few deep breaths to get my heart rate back under control. I then advanced towards Nicola. She appeared to be completely out of it. I slung her arm over my shoulders and walked her out of the room. I called an Uber to pick us up. I knew my friends would still want to party so I sent them a text stating that I decided to head home. It was a struggle to get her downstairs. It's not easy to carry deadweight. I saw Nicola's friends out of the corner of my eye. The right thing would be to take her to them, but I didn't want to give her up just yet. I felt the need to protect her and make sure that she recovered properly. I settled on instructing a girl to tell them that I found Nicola and that I planned on taking her home to recover. The girl happily nodded and went to find them.

I exited the house with an intoxicated Nicola. My phone chimed indicating that the Uber had arrived. As we made our way to the car, Nicola suddenly stopped. I looked at her confused before she grabbed onto my waist and started vomiting. I squealed as she vomited onto my shoes. Good thing my shoes are last season. I slipped out of my shoes and continued walking barefoot. I was somehow able to get her into the backseat. The man shrugged before driving off. Halfway through the drive, Nicola vomited again on me. Unfortunately, this dress wasn't last season! The driver started to panic, but I told him to shut up and keep driving. We arrived at my house in record time. Unlike the frat house, my house has several elevators. I used the elevator to head to the third floor. Once there, I guided her to my bedroom. I gently laid her onto my bed and pulled the covers up. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light. I used that opportunity to discard my ruined dress and take a shower. I then retrieved water and Advil. I also placed a bin next to her side in case she woke up and needed to use it. I made a quick call to the chief of police to demand the arrest of Rohan.

"Hello." Joe answered.

"I need you to arrest Rohan Korfu. He sexually assaulted a young girl. When he's arrested, tell him that not only will he be expelled, but the McAllister family will also be recanting their shares in his family's company. Have a good night." I hung up.

I then climbed in beside her. I turned on my side and gazed at her. A smile appeared across my face as I thought about how cute she looked. 

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