Chapter 12

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Nicola's POV

Just as I was about to take a bite out of my quesadilla, Rosé grabbed it out of my hands.

"Bruh. Since when are you two so close?"

"What do you mean?" I retrieved my quesadilla.

"She's talking to you in front of everyone!"

"I guess that's called character development." I waved my hand absentmindedly.

"Guess Tamsin doesn't approve of Alicia's new character development." She nudged me in the direction of Tamsin's glare. Somehow I didn't think I could convince THAT McAllister to be my friend.


It was the end of the school week and I had just finished my last class. As I was walking back to my room, I couldn't help but to notice a familiar car parked out front. I walked closer to see my parents exit the car. I dropped my stuff and ran halfway to meet them. We engulfed each other in the tightest hug possible. Chloe, my sister, tapped my shoulder. I turned and welcomed her inviting arms.

"Do you know those two?" My dad pointed behind me. I turned around to see KJ and Alicia. The two seemed to be having a glaring match, but Alicia conceded and greeted my family. It was then that I noticed a bouquet in KJ's arms.

"Here at Xavier Academy, we love to properly welcome the families of newcomers." Alicia grabbed the bouquet from KJ and handed it to my mother. "Isn't that right, KJ?" She innocently asked. If I've learned anything from my short time around her, it's that she's anything but innocent. KJ agreed through gritted teeth.

"Yo! Forgot about us?" I turned to my right to see Rue and Logan with their hands on their hips. I squealed before tackling them in a hug. "Guess not." Rue breathed out. I stood up and offered both of them a hand. They gladly took it as I helped them up.

"How about we hang out with Col while you two tour Boston?" Chloe suggested. I knew she just wanted to get all the tea.

"Sure." My mom replied. My parents kissed and hugged me before leaving.

"I just wanted to wish you a fun weekend." Alicia said. She went to turn away, but Rue caught her arm.

"Who are you?"

"Right. You don't go here. I'm Alicia." She stuck her hand out, but Rue just stared at it. "Is something the matter?"

"Her. It's her." Rue kept pointing her finger at Alicia. "She's hot." She fake whispered. I rolled my eyes at her. Thankfully, Logan took the opportunity to introduce himself and Chloe followed suit. KJ must've left since I didn't see him anymore. "Wanna come with us? You should be our tour guide." Rue put her arm around Alicia.

"I wouldn't want to intrude." Alicia attempted to politely decline. What she didn't know was that she was speaking to Rue and Rue doesn't take no for an answer.

"You wouldn't be. So... where should we go first?" Rue walked with her arm firmly around Alicia's shoulders.

"How'd you get a babe like that? She's fucking hot." Logan whispered to me.

"Quit acting like a dog." I elbowed him. "And she's not even mine." I whispered.

"Well, she must like you if she's putting up with Rue's annoying ass." Chloe crossed her arms. I looked ahead to see Rue chatting off Alicia's ear while Alicia would nod every once in a while as an acknowledgement.

We were sitting around a local cafe when Rue decided to make things uncomfortable.

"Soooooooooo..." She gathered all of our attention.

"What?" I hesitantly asked.

"I don't care about you. I've known you all of my life. Alicia..."

"Oh God." I put my head in my hands.

"Yes." Alicia answered.

"What do you think of our dear Nicola?" I gawked at Rue in astonishment.

"She's cool. I wouldn't just sum her up as different, but she definitely doesn't conform. Overall, I think she's pretty remarkable." I blushed at her words.

"Dope. Did you know she's a lesbian?" My eyes bulged out of my socket. I hit her on her arm repeatedly. Chloe and Logan broke out into fits of laughter.

"I haven't given it much thought."

"I'm just trying to make it easier for everyone." Rue grabbed a hold of my hands. "What about you? What's your sexuality?"

"I believe that's personal." Alicia sipped her drink.

"So do you feel any romantic feelings for-" I clamped my hand over her mouth.

"I'm going to kill you." I said through gritted teeth. Rue just winked at me. "Yuck." I shook my hand since she licked it.

"Are you single?" Rue really had the nerve to keep asking her intimate questions!

"Yes." She simply answered.

"Amazing! I think you and Nicola would make-" I poked her hard in the side which caused her to recoil from the pain. Rue got the hint and stopped harassing Alicia. Alicia, to my dismay, had to leave for New York. I asked her why she had to visit there, but she nonchalantly stated it was a business manner. I deeply inhaled her jasmine scent as I hugged her goodbye. I sat down and all eyes were on me. My sister and friends had stupid grins on their faces.

"What?" I asked uninterested.

"She's totally into you." Chloe simply stated.

"Yeah right."

"Definitely. If she wasn't then she'd have snapped at me." Rue proudly said.

"I'm debating snapping at you." I glared at her.

"Not with your cute little face." She smushed my cheeks together. "That reminds me. When am I gonna meet Rosé?" She winked. Oh God! This isn't over yet!

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