Chapter 34

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Alicia's POV

I got in Tamsin's BMW and harshly slammed the door shut. My face was turned away from her as I wiped my tears.

"Did you break her heart?" Tamsin smugly asked. "How was she? A bawling mess? Did you record it? Actually, I wish I had been there to see it in person-"

"No!" I quickly turned causing her to jump. "I didn't record it. I wasn't going to humiliate her." I started choking back sobs, so I quickly turned away. I didn't need Tamsin witnessing me cry. "Yes, I did breakup- actually, no I didn't do it. I couldn't, so she had to do it to free me from the burden." Tears were falling down my face. "I just lost her." I was beyond defeated. I rested my head on the head rest and looked up before tightly closing my eyes and grimacing from the pain I felt. "It hurts, Tamsin. It hurts so much. You have no idea." A tear escaped my closed eye.

"You were supposed to break her heart, not the other way around." Tamsin whispered.

"Just drive, please." Tamsin wordlessly turned on the ignition and drove back to our house. The whole drive was silent as I tried to keep my composure. My facade dropped a few times and I violently sobbed in the car to the point that Tamsin would have to pull over to check on my state. I would dismiss her attempts of comfort and demand she continue driving us home. When she pulled up to the house, I quickly exited the car and made a beeline for my room. The rest of my family was inside and tried to address me, but I ignored them. I couldn't fake it around them. I was hurt. I was in pain. I was... broken. My family had finally succeeded in breaking the ice queen.


I'm not sure how long I've been isolated from the world. Days had blurred together to the point that I could hardly keep track. I've been shut away in my room for the last few days. The only time I'd see another human was when the staff would deliver my food. My sisters and friends have tried contacting me, but I locked my door and turned my phone off. There was nothing anyone could say that would make me feel better. Perhaps I'm being a little dramatic by playing sad music 24/7 and having the colored lights oscillate. My drapes have been drawn so that it was dark in my room. Dark like my soul... okay, yep! I'm being dramatic, but I'm sad and miss Nicola so so much. This time hurts even more than the previous time.

"Ali." I heard Gemma's gentle voice call out. "Please open the door. I know you're in there." I ignore her like I did everyday. I heard a sigh before the door was rattled. I thought nothing of it until my door was opened. I shot up from my bed and stared at Gemma shocked. "Sorry. Never wanted to intrude, but desperate times call for desperate measures." She closed my door before placing the hairpin she used to pick my lock on my dresser. Gemma crawled onto my bed and laid in my lap. Who's the heartbroken one, Gemzi? "I'm so sorry this happened to you. You and Nicola didn't deserve this. Everyone is worried about you, even Tamsin." I scoffed when she mentioned the devil's name. "She regrets everything."

"Well, if she wasn't so selfish, she wouldn't be feeling like shit."

"Ali, this is so wrong. No wonder you weren't ever interested in the suitors. Your eyes were on someone else. This is like a forbidden romance." She sighed out. "But you shouldn't give up!" Gemma jolted up and grabbed my shoulders. "You never take no for an answer. What happened to your fight?!" She shook me. "Don't give up! Do you know how I got our parent's blessings to be with Chico?"

"He made a business deal behind his parent's backs which made them financially susceptible to our family?" I snarked.

"No. I gave up my shares in our private sector." I gasped at Gemma's revelation. "I then gave Chico the money so that it'd look like it was his family presenting the money. The point is that I made a sacrifice to be with someone I love. You need to show her how much you love her. You need to fight for her. That's if you really love her." Gemma shrugged before giving me a final hug and leaving my room. I flopped onto my back and sighed out. I need to fight for her, but how?

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