Chapter 20

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Nicola's POV

I yawned as I woke up. I felt absolutely refreshed. I smiled as I thought about the events yesterday. KJ was nice enough to drop me off at my dorm. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. By the time I was finished, Rosé began to stir. I decided to mess with her by opening the blinds. She hissed as she pulled the covers over her face.

"Wake up, sleepy head." She said something, but it was muffled by the covers. I know how to get her up. "I need to tell you something about Alicia." That woke her up. Rosé jumped up so quickly that she ended up pushing me off the bed.

"Ack!" I fell onto the ground. Rosé didn't bother helping me up since she was preoccupied by laughing. "Rude. I guess I won't tell you."

"Noooooooo! I'm so so very sorry." She gave me a puppy dog face.

"Whatevs. I'm gonna call Rue and Logan." I FaceTimed them, but before I could speak, Rosé stole my phone. She did something that caused their faces to appear on the tv screen. "Much better." She gave me a thumbs up. "Guys! Muy problemo!"

"What?" Rue and Logan simultaneously asked.

"So Alicia and I were having a small argument over her buying me expensive gifts. By the way, I told everyone that you gave me the gifts." I turned to Rosé. "Anyways, we were arguing and she and I quote said 'what's the purpose of having all the money in the world if you can't spend it one the one you love'." Rue spat out the water she was drinking, Rosé fell off the bed, and Logan knocked his phone over. "I know, guys. But then she panicked I guess and ignored me the rest of class. She legit stood up and left me." My shoulders slumped.

"Dude. That's called gay panic." Rue stated.

"Damn she's in love." Rosé attempted to make heart eyes.

"What are you gonna do? Are you in love with her too?" Logan asked. All of them looked at me expectingly.

"This is gossiping about Alicia time. Not asking Nicola uncomfortable questions time." I attempted to huff. Rue rolled her eyes before asking me the same question. "Yes." I sighed out. "But she misspoke clearly. And now I think it's gonna be awkward."

"I doubt that. I think she meant it and was scared of how you would react." Rosé hugged me. "Ohhhhh!" Rosé shouted in my ear. "Isn't that how lesbian relationships work. You guys fall in love after the first date!"

"That's accurate." Logan stated. "You guys do move quick." He added.

"So do I make the first move and talk to her?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Hell no!"

"Fuck no!"

"Okaaaaaaay then..." I trailed off.

"You wait for her to make the first move since she's the one who created the issue. Have her come to you." Rosé advised.

"But what if she doesn't?"

"Then she's a bitch and I'll kill her." Rue punched her hand.

"Unfortunately, that'd show how much she actually cares about you." Logan gently reminded me.

"You're right. I'm just scared that maybe she won't reach out because that'll break my heart." Rosé gave me a hug while the other two gave me virtual hugs. We talked some more so that we could catch up on each other's lives. The three of us were really excited for thanksgiving break. Since Rosé's family is in Korea and they obviously don't celebrate thanksgiving, I invited her to join us. She gratefully accepted causing Rue to become more excited than her. How do I break it to Rue that Rosé is straight? I mean I'm sure Rue is aware since they have met.

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