Chapter 30

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Alicia's POV

"Someone's jumpy today?" I reached behind Nicola to grab a shake off the top shelf. In order to reach it, I had to come extremely close to her. I smirked as my crop top rose up a little when I extended my arm. I noticed Nicola, not so subtly, rip her gaze away from my toned torso. "Well, then." I turned around and began to walk away.

"Wait!" Nicola called out making me turn around and give her a questioning look. "I'm sorry." I crossed my arms as she started speaking. "It was wrong of me to cheat on you. I should've spoken to you about my insecurities instead of taking it out on you and betraying your trust. I thought kissing her would make it easy to forget you, but it didn't. I kept seeing your face and I realized that my actions would hurt you... deeply. There's no excuse for it and I'm ashamed. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just-"

"You did hurt and betray my trust. But I'd be hypocritical if I didn't acknowledge my own wrong doings. I should've told you right away about my engagement instead of you finding out from a gossip site. I also should've spoken up to my parents more and said no. I also shouldn't have allowed Tamsin to do what she did. I honestly didn't know she was targeting you, but I sat down and made no rush to take the pictures down. I should've taken the pictures down immediately when I entered the dining hall. I should've stopped my 'friends' from bullying you and Leon instead of running off and finding Justin and Shawn. It should've been me who told them to stop. I'm sorry for every atrocity I committed against you."

"It seems like we both messed up." I chuckled as she did. "Start over?" She held her hand out. I smirked as I shook her hand. We gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed like eternity, but was only a couple seconds. I felt drawn to her like she did to me. I roughly grabbed her face and crashed my lips onto hers. She quickly kissed back, tangling her hands in my hair. I pushed her until her back hit the island and then picked her up so she could sit on it. I readjusted myself in between her legs and started kissing down her neck. "Don't leave a hickey because your sister- oh my god! We are in your house." She pushed me back. "Someone could walk in on us." She whispered yelled.

"The staff wouldn't dare say anything." I kissed her neck. "Tamsin is out with Laurens." I kissed her cheek. "Gemzi is with Chico." I kissed her nose. "And Zara is still receiving her treatment and her pride wouldn't allow for her to come and search for you." I gave her a long kiss. "See. No one to worry about." I kissed her deeply once more.

"Wait." She pulled away causing me to groan. "What does this make us?" She giggled.

"What do you want this to make us? The ball is in your court." I started lightly sucking on her neck.

"I want us to be exclusive and take things slow, but you're in a relationship-"

"I've never kissed him." I pulled away and made intense eye contact. "Or even held his hand for that matter. We are only in a relationship for namesake. There haven't been any intimate interactions. So, you don't need to worry about that." I smirked as I continued, "you want to take it slow you said?" I teased her.

"Yes." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I want to be with you, but there's so many obstacles."

"Alright, petite amie." I kissed her. "Unfortunately, I think Zara is done with her treatment and is beginning to wonder if you still haven't found the kitchen yet. She's gonna send someone to find you." Nicola rolled her eyes before jumping off the island. She gave me a quick kiss and returned to Zara. I smiled at her retreating form. I finally have my Lala back!


"Hey. I appreciate us doing something, but can we go on-"

"You said you wanted to go on a date with me." I whispered. "And I love watching golf, but you need to be quiet. Like really quiet. Like don't speak." In all honesty, I hated watching golf. It was incredibly boring, but if it meant I didn't have to speak to Arthur, then I LOVED the game.

"I was thinking that we'd be able to talk more." I ignored him by clapping and walking to the next hole. "How about dinner later?" Ugh! Could he not take a hint?!

"You do realize I'm only on this date with you because you'd tell my dad if I declined and I'd have to deal with that." I rolled my eyes. "I'm here out of obligation, not because I want to be here."

"Did you at least like the flowers I sent you?"

"Yes, they were so beautiful I put them on someone's grave." His mouth widened in bewilderment. "You think I'm kidding, but I'm not." I clapped again.

"You're much more difficult than I realized." He tugged a bit on his sweater vest and repositioned the ivy cap on his head.

"That's what happens when you propose to someone 5 minutes after meeting them." I crossed my arms. "You should just break off the engagement. Make it easier for yourself."

"Absolutely not." I gave him a perplexed look. "You want to be chased. You're not an easy girl that I can impress, so I'll stop at nothing to win your love and affection." He held my hand. Uh... "I love the thrill of the chase." He kissed my cheek. Eww.

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