Chapter 13

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Alicia's POV

"Everything looks fine. Just remember not to stress too much. It'll put unnecessary burden on your heart."

"Maybe you can tell that to my dad and convince him to stop setting me up. Arranged marriages are the leading cause of stress, Dr. Kieth." I responded.

"That's what you plan on doing in New York?"

"That's what he's planning on doing. I'm just here for the fashion."

"I find it fascinating that only one of you doesn't have a chronic illness. How'd Tamsin get so lucky?"

"We ask that question everyday." My joke caused Keith to chuckle.

"Also, how has the media not picked this up?"

"Why? Looking to sell a story." I gave Kieth a hug before exiting the hospital. At least once a month, I have to check in to make sure that my heart is doing what it's supposed to do. I don't need surgery so far so that's a plus. Since we have a formal party to attend tonight, I need a new outfit. I refuse to shop alone, so I'm gonna drag Zara with me since I don't want to be around Tamsin and Gemma is probably with her boyfriend. I walked to the ice rink since I know that's the one place that Zara would be. It wasn't hard to spot her on the rink at the Rockefeller Center. I was about to call her, but stopped when I saw her talking to Ryder. How the hell did he get here? I know as a fact that Zara wouldn't be stupid enough to bring him as her date. Well, formally at least. As I walked closer, I could hear their conversation.

"So I'm heading to the championship."

"And why do I care?" She crossed her arms.

"Because I'm gonna win it and I want you there."

"Why would I come?" She started picking at her nails.

"To cheer and support me. I'm a little nervous since I've never made it this far before."

"How many competitions did you have to beat?"


"7? Why didn't you tell me about your other competitions?" She was upset.

"Because I wanted to get to the big one and ask you to come." He smirked.

"As if I'd waste my time... when's the competition?" Zara averted her gaze.

"In a few months." His smirk deepened.

"I'll think about it." The smirk never left his face. "I said I'll think about it. Don't get your hopes up." She pushed him away. Ryder started to glide to the middle of the rink.

"Hey! I don't have any skates on!"

"You walked on here, so find a way to walk off." She laughed. He waved his arms around before falling on his butt.

"So... what's your excuse gonna be in a few months?" I whispered into her ear. Her laughter faded and she turned to glare at me.

"You better not say anything... and Gemzi and I will be going on a little trip. It'll just happen to be in Canada at a skateboarding competition and Chico will be there as well since Gemzi can't leave her boyfriend's side. Ryder will also just happen to be competing and I'll have no interest in speaking to him, but I'll politely entertain him if he approaches me... because I'm polite. Not because I like him or anything." She flipped her hair.

"That was a long explanation. Anyways, I need to go shopping for the party tonight. Come with?"

"Sure. I'm in dire need of a new outfit." She started to take her skates off.

"Father and mother aren't coming until later and Tamsin is in the Hamptons. The only people we may run into are Gemzi and Chico, so you can invite Ryder if you want." She raised her eyebrow in annoyance. "To be polite to him, of course." She smiled at my last remark before waving him over.


"Is the caviar not up to your standards?" I cracked a smile at my dad. This was the last place I wanted to be... at an event that served the elite where different families bragged about their wealth and accomplishments. "Why are you all by yourself? There are some nice suitors here." His last comment got me, so I dropped my fork high enough to allow for a clink to be heard when it collided with my plate.

"Ever think that Zara and I aren't interested in being propositioned off. It may have worked for Tamsin, but that doesn't mean that we're interested. Also, why are you so against Ryder? His status is just the same as Chico's. Maybe even slightly higher." I grumbled.

"Because Francisco's family agreed to whatever partnership I drew up. Ryder's family are rather resistant and I won't give my daughter away for free."

"Father, we're literally in 2020 and in America. We don't need a dowry. And Chico ran and agreed to your contract without confirming with his family. Blinded by love if you ask me" I said annoyed.

"Well, if Ryder truly loves Zara, then he'll do the same thing."

"No because Ryder thinks with his brain and not his heart, unlike Chico." I retorted.

"Maybe not, but you still need a man from good stock. Anyways, how was your appointment today?"

"Fine." I said before standing up. To keep up the act, I kissed my father on the cheek before heading outside. I rested my arms on the banister outside as I gazed up at the night sky.

"You okay?" Gemma hugged me from behind.

"No. This is the last place I want to be."

"Tots agree. I'd rather be with-"

"Chico at the stable riding horses? I'd never have guessed." I replied completely disinterested.

"Yeeeeeeeeees, but that still means that I don't wanna be here. We have to suck it up for a couple more hours and then we can go."

"Where's Chico?" I noticed the lack of his presence.

"I sent him to save Zara from the many suitors and I'm here to keep you company." She hugged me even tighter. A small smile broke out across my face at my sister's consideration. "Now, let's not allow men to ruin our night. Let's go dance." She pulled me to the dance floor. 

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