Chapter 17

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Alicia's POV

I finished curling my hair and took a step back to admire my appearance. Yep, I look good as usual. I smirked as I applied red lipstick. I smacked my lips together as I sprayed some perfume on my pulse points. I put on my light pink dress and left my room. Zara called out to me as I passed the living room.

"Where you goin dressed like that?" She pondered.

"To Yaz." I curtly replied as I kept walking. I made it to the garage where I decided to take the Range out today. Traffic wasn't so bad so I arrived at Lala's place in 30 minutes. I texted her that I arrived and decided to answer my other text messages to pass the time. I heard the door open so I turned to the right causing my jaw to drop. Nicola entered looking more beautiful than normal. She was always stunning, but this... I had no words.

"Do I look that bad?" She meekly asked.

"Quite the contrary." I held her hands. "You are drop dead gorgeous." I pulled her in for a kiss. She blushed and quietly thanked me.

"So... where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I smirked as I revved the engine. Lala's eyes brightened when we pulled up the location.

"An art museum?" She excitedly asked.

"With a twist." I smirked. The valet guys opened our doors. Once we entered the building, Lala's eyes widened even more.

"A 3D glow in the dark museum. This is very cool!" She exclaimed before grabbing my hand and dragging me through the exhibits. We would pause every so often to take pictures or ask other patrons to photograph us. There was a glow in the dark miniature golf section. "It's no fair that you're good at this!" Nic protested.

"Cutie, my sisters and I have been playing golf ever since we could walk." I easily hit a hole in one. I mockingly bowed to her. She giggled before pressing her lips against mine. I hummed in satisfaction as I smiled into the kiss. As I pulled away, a thought occurred to me. We were at the hardest part of the course. I somehow had to hit the ball through the smallest hole in the world and hope that it spat the ball out perfectly so that it would roll into the hole. "Let's make a bet. If I get this in one stroke, then you have to do something for me."

"You're so on. I know you're good, but that's an impossible shot." She chucked. I narrowed my eyes at the hole. There was no way I was going to lose in front of her. I'm far too competitive for that. I lined the shot up and hit it with the right amount of force where I got another hole in one. I smirked and turned to see her jaw wide open.

"Looks like you're gonna be doing something for me." She gulped as I taunted her. "Close your eyes." I demanded. She did and I could see her breathing heavily. I took her hand and placed a rose gold bracelet on it. "Open." She opened her eyes and gazed down at my gift. She opened her mouth to protest, but I beat her to it. "You have to do whatever I want and I want you to accept my gift." I practically begged her with my eyes. She sighed and nodded causing me to bring her in for a kiss. "Also, because I'm extra..." I spun her around so that I could place the necklace around her neck. "No buts." I whispered in her ear. Lala glanced down and traced the necklace with her fingers. "Do you like it?" I nervously asked. She turned around with a wide grin and nodded. "Good. I was a little nervous you wouldn't like it." I breathed out.

We spent the rest of the days observing the different exhibits. We laughed at some, awed at others, and were confused on certain pieces. I dropped her off at the dorms and made my way home after kissing her goodbye.


I walked into the gym late since I had to call Astrid. I forgot to return her sweater when we had brunch this morning. Anyways, Yaz and Anton were already waiting for me. Anton provided us our workout plan and monitored us to make sure we were doing the exercises correctly. Yaz and I sat down and were breathing heavily during our break.

"Wanna tell me what we did yesterday?" Yasmine noticed my confused face so she continued. "Tamzi was looking for you last night and couldn't find you. You weren't answering your phone, so Zara told her you were with me. Tamzi then called me demanding that you come home. So I had to tell her that you were studying."

"Did she buy it?"

"Of course not." I chuckled at that. "So I told her that we were drinking and that you're passed out drunk. That she bought." Both of us laughed at that. "Now, where were you?" She nudged me. I gave her a knowing look causing her to roll her eyes. "Seriously? Still? I thought you'd have gotten bored of her already." I scowled at that. Yaz noticed my face resulting in her explaining herself further. "I don't care if you're gay-"

"Bisexual." I clarified.

"Point is that love is love or whatever Astrid says. Both of us don't care about your sexuality. What we care about, but I'm the one who's more blunt..." Yaz mumbled the last part. "Is that she's poor. Do you really want to be mixing with someone of such low stature."

"Yaz." I said warningly.

"I'm not saying that I don't like her. She's nice and pretty. That I'll admit, but still. She's broke. She's fine to have as an acquaintance. A charity case to be honest. And that would help your family's reputation since it'd appear that you're trying to understand the other half's life. But as a girlfriend... you'll literally be single handedly destroying your family's name. Is that what you want?" She looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I don't-"

"Tell me. Have you told your family about her? Scratch that... you wouldn't be disclosing your sexuality to them. Apart from that being a big deal, you also have to tell them who your girlfriend is. That's not a convo I'd want to be having."

"Well, good thing you're not the one who will be having that conversation." I stood up and signaled to Anton that I was ready to resume our workout. Yaz sighed before joining in on the workout. 

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