Chapter 29

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Nicola's POV

I woke up to an empty bed. I shot up and whipped my head around to find Alicia, but I didn't see her. I sighed and got up from her bed. I made my way into the bathroom and freshened up a bit before heading downstairs. It took me about 10 minutes to find the kitchen since I kept getting lost. Luckily, Tamsin wasn't there, but unfortunately, neither was Alicia. Gemma was on the island kicking her feet back and forth while eating yogurt. Her eyes widened in excitement upon my arrival. She hopped down from the island and gave me a big hug.

"Good morning! I hope you slept well. Here." She handed me a plate of freshly made chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs. "Ali was right about the time you'd wake up."

"Where is she?" I asked after a mouthful of the delicious pancakes.

"She had to meet up with Arthur or something this morning. That's why she told the chef to make you breakfast at around 10:30 and then asked me to drop you off." Gemma giggled. My heart dropped when I realized that Alicia was spending time with her fiancé. I thought we had a moment last night, but I guess not. Everything is just so confusing. "Are you okay?" Gemma peered at me in concern.

"Ya. Just lost in thought about the exams coming up." I changed the subject. Thankfully, Gemma didn't catch on and started talking. After I finished breakfast, I retrieved my stiff and entered into Gemma's G-wagon. She blasted the music to her playlist which consisted of Heavy Metal and sugary pop music. My jaw was left wide opened by her musical taste. Gemma was literally the epitome of a girly girl. She was wearing a pink skirt, white tube top, wedges, and had her hair in pigtails. I found it nearly impossible to wrap my head around the fact that she liked heavy metal music. That thought was quickly wiped from my mind as she started driving. I'll just say this one time... Gemma is legit the WORST driver ever! I'm starting to think that Alicia used the moment we had to plot my death. Gemma had almost hit a pedestrian, sped through 2 stop signs, and did 60 in a 15mph neighborhood. Also, the roads were a bit icy due to it being winter!

"AND I WANT TO DIE!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. How are her parents comfortable with her driving? Wait? Are her eyes closed?! She drove through a red light forcing other drivers to slam on their brakes.


"Huh? Oops." She swerved to avoid hitting a deer. "Sorry. I get distracted sometimes and caught up in the music-"

"Look at the road!"

"Ahh!" Gemma ceased staring at me and focused her attention back on the road. An old lady stumbled backwards to avoid being murdered by the McAllister. "Whoopsie." She whispered. I prayed the whole way back that I'd arrive alive. God was on my side because Gemma pulled up to my dorm and I quickly hopped out.

"Thanks and cool music taste." I smiled at her.

"Really? You're so sweet. My sisters say that my musical taste is chaotic, so thank you." She leaned over and gave me a tight hug. "Bye! I'm gonna go see Chico now!" She floored the car in the direction of frat row. That girl is chaotic energy. I ran to my room since it was freezing outside. Rosé saw me and started laughing at my shivering state. I took a hot shower to warm me up before relaxing on my bed. The last two weeks are for finals and then we can go home meaning that there's no more classes until next semester. I'll be able to spend the winter break with my friends and family back in NC. Rosé and her sister will be flying out together when Rosé finishes her final exam. I felt a buzz indicating a text message. I picked up my phone and rolled my eyes at the text.

"Hope you're alive and Gemma didn't kill you :P"

"A little warning would've been nice. She broke every rule in driving. You need to tell her that she has to stop at red lights, stop signs, and to not almost kill pedestrians and animals."

"What do you mean? She's a natural lol"

"Very funny. Were you trying to get me killed?"

"Mayb...Tamsin would've said no and I doubt you would've wanted to ride with her anyways. Zara immediately shut the idea down leaving only Gemma. And I know you don't hav a car and Uber would b expensive."

"How's your date with Arthur?" I bitterly typed.

"Har Har it's not a date. Gods no I wouldn't b accepting a date. It was a business meeting and so boring. I'm actually texting while the meeting is going on." I chuckled at her message. "What are u up to?"

"Besides texting you I'm trying to study for my finals."

"How boring. U should b happy I'm providing you with entertainment. And I hav to present now. Booooooooo! Bye."

I locked my phone and threw it to the side with a smile. I'm supposed to be annoyed with her and every negative emotion imaginable, but somehow she still makes me smile. It's annoying. I sighed as I laid back in my bed. I really need to apologize to her about cheating. She deserves that, but I don't know when I'll find the time. I'm not going to apologize over the phone because she deserves better than that.

"Ahhh! Why is this so hard?!" I chuckled and got up to help Rosé study for her math final.


My finals were a breeze, but I can't say the same thing for some of my friends. The winter break was much needed; however, it was way too short. I'm happy that I got to spend some time with my family and friends, but I selfishly wish it was a bit longer. Logan, Rue, and Chloe were saddened to hear about my breakup with Alicia. They were then confused about our relationship now: were we friends, flirting, or acquaintances? Willa had tried speaking to me, but I double locked the door and closed the blinds in her face. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with her even if she was a victim of Tamsin's. My resolve worked for about two minutes until I caved in and allowed her to enter my house. I made it clear that we'd be talking in the living room and NOT my bedroom. She complied and divulged everything to me. Apparently, Tamsin had contacted her and forced her to make out with me and film it. Willa had initially refused, but Tamsin threatened to get her parents fired from their jobs and blackball her to any college she applied to. She reluctantly agreed, but felt bad about going behind my back. She admitted that she still has feelings for me and enjoyed kissing me. Willa acknowledge I had the right to feel misguided by her and to not trust her. She apologized profusely and left after giving me a hug.

Ya, so the winter break holiday was rather interesting. Unfortunately, school has started so that means back to the grind. I'm currently at the McAllister's house. But no, I'm not here because of Alicia. I'm here because Zara wanted to work on our project. We've been back at school for a few weeks and, every Tuesday and Thursday, Zara demands we meet to work on our history project. We haven't made much progress since we can't seem to agree on a topic. I want to do something regarding social issues whereas Zara wants to do anything other than what I want. She had literally told me that she is going to refuse to do anything I suggest. She's honestly such a bitch. We were in the midst of arguing, when the maid entered to give Zara her oxygen medication thingy. I dismissed myself and told her I was going to get a water. The maid offered to retrieve it for me, but I politely declined stating that I needed a break.

I walked into the kitchen (yep! I've finally figured out how to navigate the house) and opened the fridge. I found a bottle of water and closed the door. I yelped and jumped when I saw that Alicia was standing behind the door. 

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