Chapter 25

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Nicola's POV

"I can't believe this!" I shouted as I looked down at the image Rue sent me. Alicia was engaged? "Maybe I do deserve it." I flopped onto my bed.

"Hey! As much as you were wrong to make out with your ex, this is still pretty shitty." Rosé attempted to comfort me. She gave me a lecture on cheating the whole plane ride back and during the car ride back to campus. "But, we cannot wallow in defeat or girls or guys in general. The whole species is messed up!" I laughed at this. "You also can't skip lunch like you did your other classes. And I'm hungry so let's go!" She dragged me off the bed. We walked arm in arm to the dining hall. As we passed, I saw people point, giggle, and stare at me. I assume it's because of Rosé touching a commoner like me. "So what do you want to eat? I'm thinking pizza or a burger or..." I zoned out the moment I walked into the room.

Plastered all over the walls were pictures of me kissing Alicia. Well, you couldn't really tell it was Alicia since her back was shown while my face could clearly be seen. This was when we were on my bed and she kissed me goodbye for the break. Her blond hair hid her face whereas I was identifiable. On the pictures were the words dyke, lesbian, slut, and other horrible things. I glanced around the room and saw everyone pointing and laughing at me. One particular set of eyes caught my attention. Alicia stared back at me with worried eyes.

"Oh my gosh! Let's leave." Rosé grabbed me and attempted to turn, but Tamsin blocked our exit.

"And if you believe that she was drunk, then just hear this." She pointed at someone in the back who played a recording of Willa and I kissing. Willa was secretly recording the whole time? How did Tamsin even know about her? I watched Alicia's heartbreak right in front of my eyes. "I did a little research on you, lesbo, and came across your ex girlfriend. I bribed her to do that. If it makes you feel any better, she didn't want to do it, but had no choice if she didn't want her parents to go on government aid." She whispered before pushing past me. I saw Alicia stand up and walk towards me followed by her posse. Tamsin stood next to her and giggled at me. One of Alicia's friends stood in front of me and threw his drink on me. Alicia just stood there as the members of her posse laughed except for Astrid and Yasmine.

"Sorry, dyke." He shoved me back.

"I told you I'd make you smile." Tamsin nudged her. Alicia kept up the act by breaking out into a grin and laughing with them.

I ran out the room and ignored Rosé's calls. I entered an empty classroom and broke down. I heard the door creak open and looked up to see Alicia. She made sure to close the door this time. Our eyes connected and we spoke at the same time.

"You cheated!"

"You're engaged!" Alicia was taken aback by my statement. I guess she didn't realize I knew and was hoping I wouldn't find out. I knew I was in the wrong, but I wanted to turn it around and place the blame on her. "You've been engaged all this time and didn't tell me?! Would you have ever even told me?!"

"Oh, don't try and turn this around on me." Dammit! She realized what I was doing. "In my defense, I just met the guy recently. And then I found out that you were making out with your ex or girlfriend now. I don't even know what to refer to her as."

"And your friend called me a dyke and threw soda on me and you just stood there and laughed. Tamsin also said she was doing something to make you smile, so you knew about it."

"I did not know about it!" She shot back. "I was aware that Tamsin was planning something, but I had no idea what it was and no idea it included ridiculing you. If I had known, then I would've stopped it. What I can't understand is why you kissed your ex. Are you still in love with her?"

"Ahhh! I was confused-"

"Confused about what? That's not a good excuse." She fired back.

"Confused about everything! About you and me! Would we ever be anything more?! Would I always be your dirty secret?! I mean you'd never introduce me to your family! Would you ever even come out to them?! No because you can't even come out to your peers! And then there's a huge divide in how we grew up and our values! I can't give you the lifestyle you're used to! I can never provide you something that's even remotely close to that! We come from two totally different worlds and can never mesh! Like these..." I took off the bracelet and necklace. "It kills me wearing these knowing that my parents are struggling! And no I don't want your money! I don't want you to feel like you have to be my savior! There's too much and I-I can't anymore! I'm sorry." I shoved the bracelet and necklace into her hands and ran back to my dorm room. 

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