Chapter 9

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Alicia's POV

I tried to put on a happy face while showing her around the city, but it was really hard based on what I just heard. Joe, the chief of police, called me while Nicola and I were eating. As I expected, Rohan attempted to put up a fight before divulging what really happened. Apparently, Tamsin did a quid pro quo with him. The deal? Our family would invest heavily into his family's new project if he sexually humiliated Nicola. His job was to record the activities and then hand it over to her. Tamsin would then distribute it around school as a way to force Nicola to leave the school. Thankfully, Rohani handed the camera over to the police and they destroyed it. John told Rohan about my threat, so he countered it by stating that if my family pulled our shares out of his family's company, then he'd release the story to the media. What an asshole and idiot! Does his idiotic brain realize that if he admits to the story then he'll definitely go to jail?! For some reason he believes that his declaration will keep my family in line. Unfortunately for him, I don't care about my family's reputation. He hurt Nicola and he'll pay. I told Joe to go ahead with filing the report because I planned on suing his sorry ass and redacting my family's shares. Tamsin will worry about the defamation against our family since she caused all of this.

"I'm guessing that's your favorite site." Nicola broke my train of thought. I gazed at the building she was pointing at: the aquarium.

"Hmm... why do you say that?" I pondered.

"Because of your personal aquarium in your bathroom." She laughed.

"Observant... I like that." Her cheeks reddened at my compliment. She muttered a thanks before walking ahead of me. "I actually haven't been there in a while. I heard they changed some of the exhibits. Do you have a preferred site so far?" I attempted to ease her embarrassed state. Her demeanor changed a full 180 degrees.

"I love the Boston Common so far and then the public gardens. The art museums and science museums look cool too." She beamed.

"Do you like sorbet?"

"I like all frozen treats." She enthusiastically nodded. I chuckled at her.

"Let's head back to the public gardens. There's a sorbet vendor who sells the best sorbet in all of Boston." I grabbed her hand and led her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a reddish tint on her cheeks. "What flavor do you want?"

"Umm... mango." I ordered a mango and blackberry. Before I could hand the vendor my money, Nicola shoved her money into the man's hands.

"Hey. I was gonna pay." I pouted.

"You already paid for lunch. I just want to return the favor." She smiled proudly.

"Fine." We walked until we reached the Boston harbor. We sat down and allowed our legs to dangle over the side.

"Have you always lived in Boston?" She asked in between eating.

"No. I lived in New York for a bit when I was younger. That's why we have the house in the Hamptons."

"Why'd you leave?"

"To attend this school." The reason I lived in New York when I was younger was because of my heart. I was being treated by one of the top doctors in the country. When he decided that I was healthy enough, my dad enrolled me into the school. "My turn for questions. What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Draw mostly. I love painting... especially while listening to music."

"What kind of music?"

"It depends on what I'm painting. I'll listen to punk, rock, rap and pop. What about you?"

"I'm either at school, studying or doing homework, training for tennis, dealing with my familial obligations, or you can catch me hanging with my friends." I glanced down at the text I received from Tamsin. "And speaking of familial obligations, I'm going to have to cut this short."

"Sure. It's totally fine."

"Let me drop you off at school." I drove her back to the academy. Before she left the car, I grabbed her wrist. "I hope we can hang out again."

"Definitely!" She kissed my cheek before exiting the car. She waved before running into her dorm. I didn't move the car for a while since I was stunned. I grinned as I touched where her lips graced. The ding of my phone snapped me out of my reverie. I sped all the way back to my house. After parking in the garage, I slammed the car door shut. I was beyond pissed at my sister and am going to rip into her. I entered the living room and my eyes connected with Tamsins. I opened my mouth to speak, but Tamsin beat me to it.

"Are you crazy?! What were you thinking when you threatened Rohan like that?! Are you trying to cause problems in our family?!"

"Me?! You're the one who told him to rape her and film it for your sick pleasure!"

"And you thought the appropriate response was to threaten our business deal with him?!"

I was about to fire back at her, but my dad suddenly appeared. "What's with all the yelling?" He sternly asked. Tamsin and I both stayed mum. The last thing we wanted to do was tell him about the situation. He'd be pissed at Tamsin for her actions, but also pissed that I didn't consult him before engaging in a business deal.

"Nothing, Daddy." Tamsin innocently answered him. What a bitch.

"It better stay as nothing. Anyways, we have a business dinner tonight, so both of you get ready." He ordered. Tamsin and I quickly nodded before turning around to head up to our respective rooms. Tamsin and I glared at each other as we ascended the stairs.

"This is not over." She whispered yelled.

"You're damn right. I'm suing his ass, so you should find your own lawyer to protect your soon to be defamed name."

"Why are you helping that girl so much?!" I ignored her and entered my room. I loudly shut the door in her face. I groaned out loud as I flopped onto my bed. Why was I so invested in helping Nicola? I knew the answer, but didn't want to admit it. 

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