Chapter 31

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Nicola's POV

I readjusted my lipgloss before heading to class since I just finished making out with Alicia in her car. Someone almost caught us causing us to duck. It's really hot and fun to be sneaking kisses around the school and around her house. Whenever I go over to work on the project with Zara, I'll always find a way to slip out of Zara's room to find Alicia. The only people who know about my secret rendezvous with Alicia are Rosé's friend group, Michael, and Hyde. Micheal is rather inquisitive while Hyde had seen us walk out of an empty classroom together. Both of them were pissed when they found out since Alicia didn't do anything when her sister embarrassed me in front of the entire school. I told them that we broke up, talked it out, and are now back together. They respected my wishes to support me, but let me know that they didn't like or trust her. They also promised to keep it a secret which I'm so grateful for. I didn't need Leon or KJ finding out anytime soon. The bullying is still bad, but they leave me alone whenever I'm with the boys or Hyde.

This new semester has graced me in having classes with my friends. That also meant that I was in classes with new people to taunt me. Like right now, I was in economics and a group of boys were irritating me. I made the mistake of arriving early which meant that my friends weren't around to ward them off.

"So have you never tried good dick or something?" One of the boys high fived his friend.

"Even I'd practice abstinence if it was coming from you." I turned my head to see Zara. "Now, scram." The buys quickly got up and ran back to their seats. "I need to talk to you about our project." She sat down next to me which was weird. "You want to do a social issue. If we do that, then it needs to be controversial."

"HEY NIC! How are you-" Rosé stopped mid sentence. KJ and Hailey were about to ask her what's wrong, but they noticed Zara and were equally confused.

"Think about it because I don't want our time to be wasted." She stood up and went to sit with her friends.

"Umm... what was that?" Hailey asked as she sat down.

"She wanted to talk to me about our project, but in the process she stopped those guys from bullying me." I glanced back to see Zara chatting with her friends.


The boys and I were stretching as we waited for health class to start. We could either take the written portion of the class where we have tests or we could do the physical part. The trainer told us to find a sport to play from the various stations. I glanced around with the guys to see what we should do.

"Hey, wanna come play?" Astrid jogged over with a volleyball.

"She'd probably be more into softball." A group of girls giggled. Astrid ignored them and grabbed my hand.

"Know how to play?" I shook my head at Astrid so she showed me the basic moves. She motioned for Leon, Shawn, Justin, and KJ to join her team. We were obviously losing, but Astrid made it so much fun that we didn't even care. "Nice job, team!" She high fived all of us. She giggled before running off to find her friends. Since the boys had another class after, they had to leave right away. I had time to spare so I went into the locker room. Big mistake! The moment I stepped inside, the girls were staring at me in disgust. I kept my head down and went to the showers. I got out the shower to find that someone had hidden my clothes. I frantically searched for them, but to no avail. Some girls giggled and pointed up. My eyes traveled in that direction to see my clothes atop a tall ledge. Since I was short, there was no way I could reach that. The girls laughed as they exited leaving me to slump down on a seat. I'm honestly going to have to wait until dark to leave. Why are people so cruel?! I'd call Rosé, but she's short as well. There was no way Hailey could reach it even though she was taller than me and the other girls had left campus. I laid on my back and closed my eyes.


"Lala?" I felt someone shake me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Alicia looking down at me with a confused expression. "This is an odd place to take a nap." She chuckled.

"Not my fault. They put my clothes up there." I pointed behind her at the ledge. She turned and I saw a frown on her face. She walked over and jumped up to retrieve my stuff. "Oh, thanks!" I smiled at her. I then noticed her sweaty state. "Were you practicing?"

"Yeah. I just finished and came to shower. I saw a bag that looked suspiciously like yours, so I wanted to see if you were still here." She thought for a moment before opening her mouth again. "Your class ended hours ago I think. How long have you been in here?" I honestly didn't know since I had fallen asleep. "Never mind that. How about you change while I take a shower and then I'll take you home?" I responded to her with a kiss. She smiled before walking off to the showers. I used the time to change and start on some homework. "Ready?"

"Yep!" I jumped up and hugged her. She smiled and led me to her Mercedes. "Do you have a car for everyday of the week?" I asked as I opened the passenger side.

"More like everyday of the month." She smirked. "I don't drive the sport cars to school. I leave that to my sisters." We drove for a bit which I thought was weird especially when she exited the campus. I turned to see a smirk on her lips. "I changed my mind and want to spend time with you." I rolled my eyes at Alicia, but smiled anyways. "My sisters shouldn't be home and if they are, we can easily avoid them in my house." Alicia fought through rush hour to get us back to her house. "What would you like to eat? We can order in or I can have the chef make us anything you like."

"It's my decision?" She nodded at my question. "How about pizza?" Ali nodded and started to dial a number in her phone, but I quickly snatched the phone out of her hands. She gave me a perplexed look. "I mean... how about we make pizza?"

"Why would we do that when we could have someone make it for us?" She's so cute when she's confused.

"Because it's a cute date thingy. Now, let's see if you have all the ingredients. I'm sure you do since you have like 5 fridges that are packed." I started rummaging through the fridges and cabinets. "Plus, you have a pizza oven which is fire by the way. No pun intended." I placed all the ingredients on the table. I started to instruct Alicia to knead the dough, but she had no idea what I was saying. I started to demonstrate it to her and she nodded and CLAIMED she understood what I said. However, she still messed it up. I laughed as she got flour all over the kitchen. I took over as I told her to mix the spices in the sauce. She was able to mix it, but poured half the bottle of oregano into it. This is gonna be some interesting pizza. I guided Alicia's hand as she poured the sauce over the dough. She was able to properly apply the cheese. I'll give her credit for that. We placed the pizza in the oven and got a little distracted with kissing so the pizza ended up burning which set off the smoke alarm. I quickly pulled the pizza out and fanned the smoke away while Alicia opened up the windows and doors. Once the alarm went off, we observed our charcoal pizza. We both laughed and agreed to taste it.

"I can't even bite it." Alicia laughed. The pizza was hard as stone. Maybe we should just order in. "Round 2?" She proposed. Why the hell not? This time, I made the pizza as Alicia watched. She would occasionally distract me with kisses and back hugs. "This is really good. Did you make this a lot at home?" I nodded as I ate my slice. After we were finished, Ali took me upstairs to her room. I convinced Ali to build a fort with me so we could cuddle and watch a movie. She took it one step further and helped me build it on her balcony. She then set up the projector so that we could have a Disney marathon. When it started to get dark, Alicia clicked a button allowing the glass roof to open. The stars brightly shined overhead and Ali attempted to identify the constellations. I fell asleep on Alicia as we talked about life and our hopes and dreams. 

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