Chapter 22

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Nicola's POV

The week zoomed by so quickly. Normally I'd be happy that it's Friday, but I'm anxious to go away with Alicia. The whole week my head had been filled with every devious action the McAllister family had partaken in. I'm scared to be around her, because like everyone says, she can keep her true emotions hidden. What if she really doesn't love me and just wants to use me? Very few people know about my relationship with her and I want to keep it that way since there's not a day that goes by where someone is bitching about one of them. KJ had also been acting weird so I confronted him about it. He wanted to confirm if I was straight or not. He was disheartened when I told him I'm a lesbian. He quickly reassured me that he didn't think differently of me and wanted to continue being my friend. He was just a little sad because he had developed a crush on me. We laughed it off and our relationship returned to normal. So now, all of my friends at the school know I'm a lesbian, but they advised me to keep it on the down low. If only they knew that I was dating a member of one of the most powerful families.

"Would you like something to drink?" The stewardess snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Umm... just water please." She smiled as she handed me a bottle. "Thanks." I mumbled as she walked away. Alicia spared me a glance as she looked up from her Mac. She typed for a few more minutes before closing the computer.

"Sorry. I had to finish something up for my father. I was supposed to have it done yesterday, but I was a bit preoccupied." She glanced down.

"It's okay." I shifted around in the leather seats. I'm not surprised that they travel in private jets, but I never thought that my ass would be in one.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Alicia inquired.

"Just not used to this." I waved my hand around the jet. Alicia seemed saddened by this and looked down. Shit! Ummm... quick thinking where are you? "Uh why are we going to Canada? I know you said your sisters are going so..." I wondered if she wanted to introduce me to her family. If so, then I'm soooooo not ready for that and am now sweating bullets.

"Ryder has a snowboarding competition in Vancouver. He invited Zara who in turn invited Gemma and Chico and then Gemma invited me and I invited you." She rambled. "We can't really travel without telling our parents where we are going, so that's why Zara had Gemma and Chico accompany her. She also told father that it's for Chico's charity thing. Like I don't know. My father doesn't really pay attention to the reason THEY travel." She glanced down.

"But your sisters will be there." That got Alicia's attention. "And they'll see you with me. Do they-"

"No. They don't know. And don't worry about them seeing you. They're gonna be so preoccupied with their boyfriends that they'll hardly notice our presence." She chuckled. That eased my concern, but at the same time I felt a twinge of pain. I admit that I'd be freaking out if Alicia introduced me to her family, but I do want that... at least someday. "Hey. Are you okay?" She coddled my hand.

"Yep! Just can't wait to see some snowboarding." I gave her a forced smile. I knew Alicia could see right through it, but she refrained from commenting.


"Lala." An angelic voice whispered in my ear. I scrunched my nose and squinted. I left the comfortable position of Alicia's shoulder and stood up. "We just landed. If you're not too tired, I'd like to take you somewhere." I nodded as I took her outstretched hand. She led me into a black Range Rover. She must've already communicated with the driver because he just started driving and didn't ask any questions. My mouth opened as we drove through the breathtakingly beautiful streets of Vancouver. I don't know how long we'd been driving for since I was distracted by the beautiful landscape. The driver exited the car and opened the doors for us. We then boarded a small boat that took us to a small island in the middle of the canal?

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