Chapter 28

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Alicia's POV

Just like when she was drunk, I left Nicola some clothes before she went into the shower. I went downstairs during that time to grab two waters. Tamsin was angrily typing on her phone when I entered.

"You're really letting her stay here?!" I ignored her and grabbed the waters. "We'll have to burn the bedsheets in the guest room!"

"I'll have her stay in my room then." I rolled my eyes.

"If mother found out a peasant person stayed here then-"

"And father would be furious if we weren't hospitable. Mother won't find out about this the same way father won't find out how you treated our guest. Be grateful they're on a business trip." I left Tamsin to return to my room. I entered the same time Nicola exited the shower. Her head was cocked to the side as she dried her hair. Her expression immediately stiffened when she noticed my presence. "Unfortunately for you, you'll have to reside here tonight unless you want to hear Tamsin have another fit. Selfishly, I wouldn't mind hearing her fret." I passed Nicola and sat on my bed. She tossed the towel somewhere in my room... I'm not gonna react since I know that's what she wants. Nicola stood in front of me and crossed her arms. I wasn't going to give her the attention she craved, so I continued to ignore her. "You can either sleep in the bed with me or the couch can-"


I glanced up to see her dumping my clothes down from the loft. Is she fucking serious?! She's really baiting me into yelling. I gritted my teeth and stormed upstairs, not without escaping her pelting my shirts at me. I'm going to fucking kill her. She knows I have OCD and the mere thought of anything being slightly out of place pisses me off to no end. Also, it's incredibly rude to purposely trash someone else's room. I nearly passed out when I made it upstairs and saw that it looked like a tornado passed through my closet. Nicola stood in the center with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised. I felt my blood boil and I knew my face was turning red. I took deep breaths to calm my erratic breathing because I was not going to yell.

"Still want me in your room?" She taunted me. That's it! I stormed over to her causing her to stumble backwards. I then picked her up over my shoulder. "Hey!" She pounded against my back. I walked toward the railing and tossed her over it. "Ahhh!" She creamed as she landed on my bed. I then walked down the stairs to her yelling at me. "Are you crazy?! You could've seriously injured me! You're so reckless! I can't-" Her eyes widened when I gripped her wrists and pushed her onto her back. Now, it was her turn to erratically breathe. Our faces were inches apart allowing for the slightest movement to connect our lips.

"What was that, babygirl?" I whispered. I could hear her gulp causing me to smirk at the fact that she was turned on. "You've been incredibly rude. Overall, you've been very bad. Seems you must be punished..." I spoke barely above a whisper. Her eyes closed in anticipation, but I wouldn't be giving her shit. I smirked as I pulled back and released my hold on her. Her eyes shot open and her face clearly showed her disappointment. "I'm gonna shower. Like I said, you can pick where you wish to sleep." I stood up and entered the bathroom.

It didn't take me long to do my nightly routine. I walked out the bathroom and saw Nicola curled up on her side of my bed. I smirked since I knew she'd choose the bed. Truth be told, I'd have moved her into my bed if she had chosen the couch. There was no winning for her. I carefully pulled the covers up so as to not wake her. It was nice having her close since I was craving her presence for the past week, but it also hurt being so close to her and not being able to hold her.

"Alicia." Nicola whispered.

"Hmm." I hummed.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a heart condition?" My breath caught in my throat. How did she find out about that? A select few know about my health condition and those people have to sign NDAs. Not even Yaz or Astrid know. When Nicola didn't hear a reply, she slowly turned around so that we were face to face. "Sorry. I know it's personal." She made a move to turn back around, but I touched her arm. I could feel her goosebumps rise under my fingertips.

"I just didn't want you to view me any different. Like a-"

"Deformed person?" She cut me off. How'd she guess that? "Don't listen to your mother. You're not deformed." She held my hands.

"Hard to believe that when everyday of your life you are reminded about your limitations." I averted my eyes. Mother preaches about how perfect Tamsin is compared to the rest of her children. She was adamant that a disabled person was ill equipped to be the heir to the countless companies my parents owned. That's why Tamsin was considered the primary heir followed by Gemma, and then Zara and I tied for last place.

"Don't listen to her." Nicola pleaded.

"I think we should go to sleep." I gave her a tight lipped smile before turning so my back faced her. I heard Nicola let out a quiet sigh. 

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