Chapter 19

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Alicia's POV

I silently grumbled as I walked across campus. Anyone who tried to maintain eye contact with me was met with my signature icy, cold glare. My expression softened as I thought about Nicola. I can't believe I screwed up and told her that I love her. Ugh! Why?! Curse her dreamy chocolaty eyes. I could get lost in them for hours. I felt a smile come up on my face. No! I quickly shook my head and regained my RBF. First off, who told her how much I spent on her? She's not the type to look up the price, so someone must've told her. And she was so uncomfortable with it. That's why I made the bet that she'd accept whatever I gave her. I knew that if I told her I wanted to give her a gift, she'd have immediately rejected it. She would've rejected my gift unlike KJ's. I saw him give her a bracelet and that just made my blood boil. He gave MY girl a gift! He obviously likes her. Either she's oblivious to his advances or she likes the attention. Uhhhh! I'm just being jealous again. She's not like that. She probably knows he likes her, but doesn't know how to reject him. My feelings are sooooo out of whack. When I told her I loved her, I panicked. I left her and retreated to my friends. They were obviously confused since I worked with Nic last time, but I'm pretty sure they just thought I didn't want to work with the "poor girl" again. I stole subtle glances at her during the class and saw that she worked with KJ and Michael. She was laughing with them and clearly enjoying their company. I couldn't help but scowl as I observed them, but then again I didn't have the right to be so upset. It was my fault. She didn't even wait for me after class to walk her to the lunch room. She left with the boys instead. I felt my body shake from a mixture of anger and jealousy.

I walked all the way into the Chi Omega sorority house. I memorized this place like the back of my hand. It was a massive three story mansion with many hidden tunnels. I didn't even have to look as I made many twists and turns inside the house. I stopped when I stood outside the familiar door. I didn't bother knock as I pushed the door open. Astrid jumped since I accidentally slammed her door open.

"Sorry." I muttered before flopping onto her bed. Astrid closed her textbook and stood up from her desk.

"What's wrong?" She lied next to me.

"Girlttroublessinceimacomlleteidiot." I mumbled into the pillow.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." Tridi laughed before yanking the pillow away from my face. My face collided with the bed when she did that. Astrid laughed even louder and rolled on top of me. "Tell me again, please." She whispered in my ear.

"No." I defiantly told her. Astrid refused to get off my back. "Fine. I'm an idiot." I sighed out. "I messed up with Nic."

"Uh oh. Relationship troubles or more specifically girl troubles. Shall I get Yaz to join us?" She grinned.

"NO!" I hit her with a pillow.

"Why not? Are you guys fighting?"

"Sort of. She doesn't approve of my relationship with Nic, so I don't need her to know that I'm having problems with Nic. Oh and she also mentioned that you don't approve of my relationship with Nic." I narrowed my eyes.

"Umm... I don't recall saying that." Astrid rolled next to me. "I believe that I said I'm worried about how socioeconomics will affect your relationship. She may feel like you're buying her love whereas the amount you spend on her is pocket change for you. She can't afford to take you places or even give you a fraction of the life you're used to. Plus, if your fam found out that you were dating someone from her background, they wouldn't exactly be pleased. Besides that, I have no problem with her." Tridi turned on her side to look me in the eye.

"Unfortunately, I think you're right. I bought her a necklace and bracelet. She somehow found out about the price and freaked. She stated that she couldn't just keep it when her parents could use the money to offset the bills. I told her that I'd help out, but she immediately shot that down. Then, one thing led to another and I told her I loved her." I rolled over so that I was facing Astrid.

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