Chapter 37

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Nicola's POV

"Which color should I wear tonight?" Rosé held up a blue and green dress. I pointed at the green one causing her to squeal in delight. Tonight was the spring ball and, with the help of Rosé, we were able to convince the council to have an underwater theme. Alicia still hasn't returned to school, unlike her siblings, but I knew if she went to the ball then she'd love it. Even if I couldn't physically be with her, I still wanted to make her happy. "How are you feeling today?"

"Nervous." I straightened my tie while staring in the mirror. Zara and I have our presentations today and I'm trembling from nerves. We were able to decide on a topic last minute meaning we had to pull a few all nighters to actually complete it.

"Well, I know you'll do well." Rosé gave me a hug. "Good luck!" She tightened her embrace.


Everyone clapped as the group before us finished. They presented something about lowering the taxes for the wealthy and increasing taxes for the poor which I completely didn't understand. Why would people who can barely survive be forced to pay more when the rich, who have everything in the world, get a tax break? Makes no sense to me, but I mimicked everyone's actions and clapped.

"McAllister, Tonkin, Vanheister." The teacher signaled us to begin. Our partner stood up, but Zara shoved him back into his seat since he didn't do shit. But at the same time, Zara refused to allow him to work with us, so I'm not sure if her actions are justified.

"Ready?" She whispered while setting up our papers. I gave her a nervous nod which she noticed. "Don't be nervous. I made a little change on my part." What?! Why didn't she tell me?! And she doesn't want me to be nervous?! Zara noticed my panicked state and quickly assured me that it was only a minor change. I took a deep breath and began my speech about discrimination in America. I nailed my speech and saw Zara give me a subtle smile. I gave Zara her cue to being and dropped my mouth when it dawned on me what she was speaking about. "Discrimination comes in many forms. Whether it's racial, religious, or sexuality. No one is born judgemental, but becomes one based on our judgemental society. People quote numerous sources as infallible when the fact of the matter is... everything is based on interpretation. We shouldn't succumb to ridiculing a person when they can't help how they are born. We should embrace everyone's differences because it makes us unique and not boring. We should strive for equity and equality. I want to finish off by saying..." She glanced at me and gave me a real smile. "Love is love." I broke our eye contact when I heard the class erupt in applause.

Zara and I thanked everyone before making it back to our seats. Hyde and Cher were completely shocked from Zara's speech. I was as well considering she was a McAllister promoting being an ally to the LGBT community.

The rest of the day consisted of the three McAllisters attempting to make social change. Tamsin made a speech in the lunchroom about ending bullying and how homophobia will not be tolerated anymore at the school. Gemma had organized some students to hand out equality pins, magnets, and shirts. I'm not sure what got into the three of them, but I'm not complaining. I just wished that Alicia was here. I really missed her and just wanted to see her. Even if I couldn't speak to her, I just wanted to make sure she was fine.

"Girl, you're not gonna believe this." Leon hit my shoulder. "Astrid and Yasmine are working with the social chair to organize a pride parade. What's going on? Wonder what Alicia said to them." Hyde nodded along to Leon's comment. Everyone was confused, but no one was complaining to their newfound tolerance.


I wasn't really in the mood to attend the ball, but my friends refused to accept that. They were being more pushy than usual which was bizarre. Leon and Rosé were helping me get ready and I just sighed as my resolve diminished. Leon wanted to dress me in a purple dress, but I opted for a blue one since it reminded me of Alicia's eyes. Blue also happened to be her favorite color and I wanted to represent her anyway I could.

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