Chapter 27

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Nicola's POV

The past week has been utter hell. I didn't realize it would hurt so much to the point where I felt confined to my bed. I expected to feel the same way when Willa and I broke up. Granted she broke up with me, but the feelings were more intensified with this breakup. I had ended things, yet I felt lost and defeated. It didn't help my self confidence that Alicia acted as if nothing happened. I realized that if she started acting differently around school then she'd raise suspicions, but I was hoping for something that might indicate she was saddened. She also wanted nothing to do with me because I'd try and reach out to her, but she'd just ignore me. I think I'm beginning to fall into a depression.

"That's it!" Rosé assaulted me with a pillow. "It's time to go to class and you aren't missing another day. That's what Tamsin wants and we won't give in to her. So up!"I hissed after she ripped the covers off me. "Let's go!" She started smacking my butt.

"Ahhh! Fine!" I jumped off and did my routine. Rosé gave me a pep talk while straightening my tie.

"You got this! Don't let anyone be the reason you back out of something! Screw Tamsin!" She patted my shoulders and teared up as we made eye contact. "My baby's all grown up." She pretended to wipe a tear.

"Oh my God!" I chuckled as I pulled her into a hug. "Thanks. Ready to take on the day?" I sighed out. Instead of responding, Rosé yanked me out the room. Walking to class was the most awkward thing ever. I was used to being stared at whenever Alicia would speak to me, but this experience was entirely different. I felt like I was on display to be mocked at. The whispers, pointing, and laughter was enough to make me nauseous. I felt bad for Rosé since she would probably be mocked later for holding my hand.

"Leon!" He turned around to see us. He broke out into a smile and engulfed me in a hug. "Take care of my girl." She gave me a hug before leaving to attend her class.

"Just do what I do. Ignore and keep walking." He whispered. Leon then took my hand and we walked through the crowd of homophobic teens. Some of our peers pelted the words fag, dyke, ass lover, and other offensive terms. Leon and I ignored them and kept our heads high as we entered English class. We sat and absorbed everything the professor was lecturing about. I glanced at Leon out of the corner of my eye and smiled. Because of him, I have the strength to be out and proud here. Ya, I may face homophobic slurs here, but I don't care. I'm me and no one can take that away. I also have to thank Rosé for pushing me to attend class.

Class ended and Leon, as usual, insisted on accompanying me to class. This time, I think he wanted to be with me in case anyone tried to assault me. Good thing he was with me today because that almost happened. Since we were chatting, we initially didn't notice the group of boys who obstructed our path. Before Leon could ask them to move, one of them shoved him onto the ground. The gang of boys laughed as they kicked Leon's books away and dumped his bag in the trash. One of the guys pinned me to the locker and started whispering dirty things that he'd like to do to me. I saw Alicia observing the scene. She just stood and did nothing. It was at that moment I recognized the group of guys were her friends. I glanced back at the spot she occupied and realized she had moved. Shortly after, Shawn and Justin appeared and flung the guy off me. The guy was ready to fight them, but the leader called him back. Shawn then went and helped Leon to his feet while Justin checked on me. The bell rang signaling that we would be late.

I thanked Justin for walking me to class and then awkwardly interrupted the history class. The professor and students stared as I sat next to Hyde and Cher. Once the professor decided to keep lecturing, Hyde whispered to me.

"Why you late?"

"Leon and I got assaulted in the hallway."

"What?!" Cher shouted. The entire class ceased and stared at her in confusion and annoyance. "Professor! She was assaulted on school property! Those people need to be brought to justice!" I tried to quiet Cher, but she refused to back down. "This is unacceptable and not the reputation Xavier Academy needs! This is absolutely repulsive!"

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