Chapter 14

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Nicola's POV

I chuckled as I recalled something funny that Rue had said. It's been over a month since I've enrolled here. Everything has been going well. Alicia had stuck to her word and walked me to the lunch room everyday. You'd think that people would have gotten used to the fact that she talked to me, but no. We still got the occasional stares from onlookers. Alicia had asked me to attend her tennis match, so here I was in the stands. I knew she was good from watching her practice, but didn't realize that she was THIS good. The stadium was packed with about 20,000 people.

"Hello." I looked to my left to see Astrid and Yasmine. The duo had become friendlier to me over the last couple of weeks. They even went as far to introduce themselves to me and give me a tour of the campus (the restricted parts).

"Hey." I smiled as Astrid sat down next to me.

"First time being court side?" Yasmine leaned over Astrid.

"First time at a tennis match, so yes."

"What about any other sport? Like basketball." I shook my head at Astrid.

"Well, you're in for a real treat. Alicia is up against another top player. Her stats rival Alicia's, but Alicia won't lose."

"How come you say that so confidently?"

"Because you're here." Yasmine stated before turning to the front. I was about to ask her to clarify, but the players walked out. Alicia waved at me and I excitedly waved back. "She never waves. There's a first for everything it seems." I think I'm gonna have a hard time focusing on the actual match because she looks so cute in her outfit. She was wearing a light blue Nike dress. I assume she won the toss since she's lined up to serve first. She bounced the ball a few times before throwing it up... and whipping it past her opponent. The next serve, the opponent's racket connected with it, but she didn't return it. Alicia subtly shook her fist in celebration.


The game was now tied. The points kept oscillating between advantage and deuce.

"Her opponent is really good." I offhandedly commented.

"I'd expect that since this is the finals."


"Yeah. Whoever wins is the best in America." Astrid explained. Well, damn. I didn't realize that Alicia was THAT good. "Ahhhh!" Alicia let out a grunt as she blocked her opponent's match winning shot. Her opponent returned it and Alicia raced to the net and half volleyed the ball over the net. The girl was too far away to make it in time. I clapped as Alicia got the advantage. The girl served and Alicia skillfully returned it. They kept hitting it back and forth until the girl made a mistake and hit it high up in the air. Time seemed to slow as Alicia lined her left hand up with the ball and used her right arm to bring the racket down and deliver a drop shot. The girl's racket missed the ball by an inch, allowing Alicia to win. Alicia punched the air in victory. We all erupted in cheers. I waved at her when we made eye contact. A genuine smile graced her face as she ran over to us. She enveloped me in a tight hug.

"You did amazing." I whispered into her ear as I hugged her back.

"Thanks." She released her hold on me.

"Ali!" Astrid said and brought her into a hug. Yasmine soon joined their group hug. I smiled as I watched the trio. "Hey! You too!" Astrid yanked me into their group hug.

"Go get your trophy." I pushed her back towards the court.

"Yes, ma'am." She bowed before jogging back to the court. I was looking around the event and smiling. My smile faded when I saw an older man looking down at me from the luxury seats. He was wearing a blue suit. His hair was short and salt and peppered. My suspicions were confirmed about who he was when I saw Tamsin hanging onto his arm. Their intimidating stares were enough to cause me to turn around.

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