Chapter 32

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Alicia's POV

The sunlight was brightly shining on my face. I tried to turn away from it, but something prohibited my body from moving. I squinted and saw a lovely angel fast asleep on me. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. My actions caused her to move and yawn.

"Good morning." She squinted up at me.

"Good morning, cutie. Sorry I woke you."

"Nah. You all good." I laughed as she hugged me tighter. "I'm hungry." She mumbled into my chest.

"Well, you have to release me first." She pouted and squeezed me even tighter. "Or we could stay here for a bit." She rapidly nodded at my proposal.


"Please! Please! Please!" Lala begged. I just smirked in response to her pleas. She's been trying to get me to reveal the location of our date. I told her it's a surprise and she hates that I won't even give her the slightest hint.

"We're here." Lala rolled her eyes as she read the sigh and gasped.

"An arcade?!" I nervously nodded. "Ahhhh! So much fun!" She hugged me and quickly exited the car. She sprinted around the driver side to grab my hand and drag me inside. I paid for the unlimited wristbands which allowed us to play the arcade games, go kart, and laser tag. We were having a blast just being carefree. She won me a giant minion (the one with one eye). She wanted to kiss me, but I pulled back causing her eyebrows to furrow. "What's wrong?"

"It's too public." I glanced around.

"Right." She sighed out. I didn't want her to be sad, so I grabbed her and deeply kissed her. "I was just asking for a peck, but that was a nice surprise." She breathed out. "Now, I wanna kick your ass at laser tag." She dragged me over and purposely made sure we were on opposing teams. It's no surprise that she beat me, like annihilated me. We then raced around in the go karts and she, once again, beat me. After we exhausted the arcade, we returned back to campus. I walked her into her dorm room and cuddled with her. We were watching movies when Rosé entered and nearly fainted from shock. I took that as my cue to leave, so with a final kiss, I drove back home.

Right when I closed the car door, Zara walked up behind me. Was she stalking me?

"Why were you in the dorms?" Yep, she was stalking me. I gave her a blank stare which only irritated her more. "Ryder and I were driving around campus and I saw you enter the dorms. Why did you go in?" She pushed, but I ignored her and entered the house. "Who were you going to see? You're an engaged woman you know."

"Just don't tell Tamsin." I dismissed her. She walked behind me and continued questioning my motives. We came to a halt when I walked through the dining room and saw Tamsin patiently waiting for me. Her hands were locked together and rested upon the table. "Unless you already did." I glared at Zara who rolled her eyes signaling that she didn't tell Tamsin shit.

"Where were you?" Tamsin questioned.

"None of your business." I made a move to leave, but Tamsin called out to me.

"You were with someone." I groaned because no shit I was with someone. "The poor dyke." That ceased my groaning. Who did she think she was to be calling Nic such a derogatory term?! "I want you to explain what this is." She turned her computer screen around to show an image displayed. "Wanna expand?" She crossed her arms. On the screen was a picture of Nic and I kissing at the arcade. I took a sharp breath and felt the wind get knocked out of me. "Rohan Korfu called. He claimed to have seen you on a date with a girl. I immediately rejected the claim because I THOUGHT it wasn't true. Then, he sent me this picture which MADE ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT! He wants the charges against him dropped as well as our family reinvesting in his company, but for a SMALLER percentage! If not, then these pictures go public embarrassing our family! Not only were you photographed cheating on your fiancé, but it had to be a girl?! And a poor one at that! What the fuck?!"

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