Chapter 35

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Nicola's POV

Alicia was avoiding me and that was heartbreaking. It's been a week and she hasn't returned to school. Yasmine and Astrid would watch me from afar, but never engage. Gemma acted in a similar manner. I believe Zara would've done the same if we weren't partners and were forced to work together. The only one who showed no pity was Tamsin. In fact, she appeared to be reveling in my dismay. Zara and I would open our mouths, only to immediately shut it. There were so many things we wanted to say to the other, but we didn't know the protocol. Luckily for me, Gemma had no cause to bite her tongue. She would express her sorrow and remorse for everything that happened between Alicia and I. Zara would occasionally nod her head as her twin went on a tangent. It didn't take much persuasion to get Gemma to tell me the series of events that caused my doomed relationship. After hearing everything, it made my hatred towards Tamsin intensify. The twins explained that because Alicia's actions were being watched, she couldn't make direct contact with me. Astrid and Yasmine would've been the de facto, but Tamsin and her gang of goons were keeping a close eye on them as well. I got little peace in knowing that Alicia had locked herself away in her room and refused anyone entrance. She was also ignoring all calls. Only the staff had access to her when it was meal time. Other than that, no one had seen her the past few days.

My worry for Alicia increased when she didn't show up the second week. I get that she's melancholic about our breakup, but she shouldn't just wallow in self pity. I was on a mission to find Gemma and Zara, but I couldn't find them. I decided to lay wait them outside of the lunch room, but they didn't show up there either. I then noticed that Tamsin wasn't in school either. The next day, I repeated the actions, but they still hadn't shown up. I was starting to get worried because I felt an uneasiness in my stomach. I just knew this had to do with Alicia. Especially after witnessing Yasmine comforting a hysterical Astrid. I approached them to find out what was wrong, but Yasmine noticed me and quickly ushered Astrid away.

I'm officially going mental. I called and texted the twins, Astrid, and Yasmine, but no one is responding to me. My friends are trying to stay positive for me, but even they think something is up. I lost a few pounds from not eating. I've been so consumed with worry that I often forget to eat or even sleep. I just need answers. My prayers were answered when I saw Chico embracing Gemma in the hallway. He was rubbing her back while whispering soothing words to her. Zara was also present and placed a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. I hadn't seen them all day and they just happened to be on campus in the evening. I approached them quietly so they wouldn't have a chance to escape.

"Hey." I announced my presence. The trio glanced at me and jumped.

"You look like death." Zara addressed me, but she didn't look much better. It was clear that none of us had actually gotten any quality sleep. Gemma and Zara glanced at each other and nodded. "I think you'll want to take a seat for this one." They led me to a bench. "Alicia is in the hospital." That much I expected, but why? "She had a heart attack."


"Keep your voice down." She sharply shushed me. "They did a procedure that caused some damage resulting in her being in a medically induced coma. They recently took her off the meds, but she isn't waking up." Gemma cried again when Zara said that Alicia wasn't waking up. I had to hold my head in my hands to prevent myself from passing out. Will she ever wake up? I need her! I need to see her!

"Take me to her." Noticing Zara's apprehensive expression, I grabbed her hands. "Please! I need to see her!" Zara stuttered a bit before deciding to just nod. She directed me to her car and drove me to the hospital. Once she pulled up, I tried to exit the car, but she locked it. I turned around to give her a bewildered look.

"They are only allowing family to see her. Normally, we'd say to just sneak up there, but this building is heavily secured so you'll need an access pass." Gemma explained from the backseat. "And my family is still here."

"We'll distract them, but I don't know how much time you'll have." Zara unlocked the door. She tossed her keys to valet and walked into the building with Gemma on her arm. They gave me a nod and went into the elevator leaving me in the lobby. I took a deep breath and approached the receptionist. How was I going to bs her?

"Excuse me." She looked up from her computer to give me an annoyed look. Yep, this wasn't going to be easy. "I'm here to see Alicia McAllister." I awaited the visitor pass.

"And who are you? Only family is allowed." She snorted before looking back down at her screen. I decided to channel my inner Alicia "Ice Queen" McAllister, or how I imagined she'd act. "Nicola Tonkin. Daughter of the CEO and founder of Tonkin Enterprises and HER fiancé. Now, tell me what room number she is in." I spoke sharply and mustered up my most intimidating glare. She gulped and quickly swiped the card to give me access. I snatched it and went to the elevators. Once the door closed, I released the breath I was holding. I glanced at the back of the card to see that she had the penthouse view. Why am I not surprised? I made a left once I stepped out the elevator and quickly hid behind the wall. Tamsin and her parents were outside a room talking in hushed voices.

"She loves her and there isn't anything we can do about it. We're lucky if we can find that kind of love in a lifetime. It should be embraced and not discouraged. We're McAllisters. We write the rules, not the other way. And wouldn't it be great if we were the ones to enact change." I overheard her speech. Her mother was still weary, so Tamsin continued, "Alicia has never been scared to be herself. That's the type of person we need to break the cycle of traditions."

"Well, aren't you the little spy." I almost screamed and jumped. I turned around to glare at Zara. "You can't be upset when you're the one who's spying." She crossed her arms while Gemma giggled. "We were waiting until you came up to distract our family. I think I can only keep them away for 5 minutes especially since Ali is my father's favorite child. Let's go, Gemzi." She nudged the girl. They nodded and approached their family. I was caught up in my thoughts so I didn't hear what excuse they made to shuffle them to another part of the hospital. I saw my opportunity and entered Ali's room. I quietly closed the door and had to allow my eyes to adjust to the dark room. Once adjusted, I hesitantly approached her bed where I saw her lying motionlessly. The only sound in the room were the monitors. I nearly broke down seeing her so fragile and vulnerable. I went to her side and held her hand while moving a strand of hair out her face. I kissed her forehead and held her hand close to my cheek.

"Ali." I struggled to hold back the tears. "Please wake up soon. I love you." I mumbled and cried into her neck.

"I'd expect nothing less from her fiancé." My body stiffened from the unfamiliar masculine voice. I slowly lifted my head and turned to see a man in his late 50s with short dark brown hair that had grey streaks in it. His hair was neatly combed to the side allowing for his brown eyes to be on full display. He was dressed in an all black suit. "Tonkin Enterprises. Never heard of it. Maybe you can enlighten me on the products your father sells." He unbuttoned his suit jacket before sitting down on the couch and crossing his legs. "Please, Ms. Tonkin or is it Mrs. McAllister soon?"

"I'm not going to apologize for wanting to see her. I needed to see her." I'm surprised my voice didn't shake, but held a certain strength. "I know your wish for me not to be in your daughter's life and I respect it-"

"Obviously not enough since you're in here under false pretense."

"But I do and will always love and care about her. And that's not something I can just throw away, so if she's hurt or needs me... I'll always drop everything and be there for her. That you can't take away." I kissed Alicia's hands once more before standing up. "I'll take my leave now, Mr. McAllister." I then walked out the door. 

Only 2 more chapters to go!!

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