Chapter 23

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Nicola's POV

Alicia led me to a snowmobile where she drove us into the vast snowy landscape. My curiosity started to increase when she pulled up to a dozen igloos. She led me inside the hotel that was completely made out of ice. There was a glass ceiling allowing for the star studded sky to be seen. I caught a glimpse of an indigo streak across the sky. Alicia took my hand and signaled for me to lie on the bed. I cuddled into her as the northern lights streaked across the sky. Her blue eyes were glued to the night sky allowing for me to admire her features. She was effortlessly beautiful the way her lips would part every once in a while. Or how her eyes would light up when she recognized something beautiful. I guess she noticed my staring since she looked down and smiled at me.

"What do you think?" She whispered.

"You're beautiful." My compliment caused both of us to blush.

"I meant the light show, but thanks." She giggled. Her laughter was music to my ears. God, I'm so in love with this girl.

"Alicia, I love you." Her eyes opened wide at my confession.

"I love you too, Nicola." She kissed me under the light show. The kiss started off innocent before it slowly became heated. Alicia lightly bit my lip causing me to gasp resulting in her smirking and licking my lip as she pulled away. I groaned out of frustration while she returned my aggravated state with her signature smirk. I roughly grabbed her by her jacket and pulled her down to reconnect our lips. She kissed me back just as passionately. Alicia swiped her tongue over my lip requesting permission which I denied. She tried again only to receive the same response. Alicia then slightly squeezed her hand around my throat causing me to open my mouth to gasp for air. She used that opportunity to steal my breath away by plunging her tongue into my mouth. I tried fighting for dominance, but it proved futile as she continued to explore my mouth.

She moved to my neck sucking on every inch of skin she could find. My breathing started becoming irregular as she unzipped my coat and started massaging my breasts over my clothes. She quickly undressed me and attached her lips to my right nipple while massaging my left breast. She would occasionally pinch my left nipple as she continued sucking on my right nipple.

She brought her lips back up to mine and aggressively kissed me while grinding against me. A series of moans escaped my mouth when she applied pressure with her right thigh. We grinded against each other eliciting louder moans from me. I couldn't stand that I was half dressed while she was fully clothed, so I unzipped her jacket and pushed it off her. I then pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra. I momentarily marveled at her perky breasts before sucking on her left breast. Her head whipped backwards as euphoric sounds were emitted from her. She pulled my head closer to her breast as she straddled my waist. I moved my kisses up her neck until I found her sweet spot. I made sure to leave multiple hickies decorating her neck.

Alicia pushed me back down and crawled on top of me. She kissed me hungrily while pulling down my pants and rubbing my clit over the fabric of my underwear. I felt myself get hot down there as she continued to tease me.

"A-Ali." I struggled to get out. She smirked into the kiss continuing to tease me. "Please." She pulled back and lowered herself to where I needed her most.

"Yes?" She cocked her head to the side and smirked.


"Please what?" She feigned confusion.

"I need you."

"Beg for it." She demanded with a look I've never seen in her eyes before.

"Please, Ali. Please. I need you inside me." That was all it took before she started eating me out. I screamed at the pleasure she was providing me with. My hips bucked up, but she pushed them back down as her tongue continued swirling around my sensitive area. She slipped a finger in, and then two, and then three. "A-Ali! ALI!" I was a moaning, screaming mess. She flicked her tongue and fingers in sync causing me to be elevated to another state of pleasure. I felt myself becoming hotter down there and could no longer restrain myself as I felt my back arch. My walls clamped around her fingers as I cried out in pleasure. Never once did Alicia's movements slow down. She continued pumping as I rode out my high. I fell back onto the bed completely out of breath from the ride Alicia took me on.

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