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I decided to open a book— Oh my gosh! That sounds weird and so unlikely of me if I say that! When did I even know how to open a book?! I don't know how to open a book! Well, that seems too much exaggeration.

The book was filled with Filipino words. This will help me to learn more about this foreign language, right? I hope it does. I just wanted to learn this language because I want to speak better of it and to communicate with others clearly. Always speaking on English isn't fun okay? Especially when all people the people that surrounds you, speak on some language that you barely know.

I spent my whole night trying to learn some words and tried to speak some of the new found words. I can very much learn the words, but speaking clearly of it... absolutely not. Hindi ko talaga kaya! Pa'no ba naman kasi? Yung accent ko ay... ay... Gosh! I still have a long way to go! Can't this have a shortcut or a VIP lane?!

That night, I ate alone because Dad didn't come home. He said that he had a meeting or something. I don't know! I didn't wait for him because my stomach was grumbling and growling like crazy! 

While eating, I entertained myself by watching the television. I watched a series called F.R.I.E.N.D.S, a wonderful show! The TV was premiering the episode wherein Ross was saying 'pivot' while Rachel and Chandler were helping him with the sofa. Nakakatawa ang episode na 'yun — It still feels weird talking in this language! 

After I finished eating and watched some more episodes of the show, I got up to my bedroom. There, I read and read that book again. I didn't want to sleep yet because I had just finished eating. I didn't want to die in my sleep! I heard some things that if you will sleep, you might die! I don't know if that's true but I don't want to test if it's true! 

I was pronouncing things out of thin air and then cursing myself when I mispronounce a single word. So dumb! The word is so easy but somehow I still managed to screw up— Gosh! Stupid! That's all I basically did, being stupid, before dosing off into the dream world. Everything was tiring that when my back hit the bed, I immediately fell asleep. Agad-agad!

When I wake up, I could feel sweats trickling on my body. My body reeked coldness. My breathing was running. I could feel unease. Every time I move, something haunts me. Every time I close my eyes, it haunts me. I don't want that. I don't want everything to haunt me. It felt like the monster under my bed was true and crept its own way into my mind.

I immediately turned my body around. I saw the clock that was always ticking on my bedside table. I saw that it was five-thirty in the morning.

The last time, that I checked, this is the best time to wake up. Especially when going to school. According to Dad. Speaking of him... Why didn't he wake me up today? Or at least tell someone to wake me up? I don't know. 

Someone came and knocked loudly out the door. With all the morning strength that I had, I said that 'I'm awake'. After that, I immediately got up.

"Magandang umaga po," my cheeks were high and my teeth were showing after I said that to Kuya Elmer. I just wanted to greet him a 'good morning' but this time in Filipino style. I just learned that kahapon! So you could say that I'm pretty proud! Pretty proud of myself!

The car ride away from home was just like the last time. Just like last time, I was getting sick of the blurry cars and unfamiliar roads. I guess I could try to sleep? Yeah, I can do that. I did wake up pretty early— I can use this excuse to sleep, right? Yes. I needed an excuse so that I wouldn't feel guilty. Duh. With that thought, I laid my back at the back of the car. I closed my eyes as soon as I felt the comfort that this car seat is giving me.

But all the comfort that I was feeling disappeared when that picture and the memories along with it, haunted me.

A girl who replicates a cat, smiled as someone was swinging the swing that she was sitting on. Actually, they both are smiling. Their lips are high and their cheeks were up, while words came out from their mouths.

Remember Me, Mi AmoreTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon