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"Like the waves that keep returning to the shore,
Will destiny unite their fates forevermore?"



~ A ray of hope.
~ A strong belief.

I am enjoying the imaginary roller coaster ride of the thriller suspense novel I am reading, sitting cozied up in my comfy throw blanket on the reading chair, when suddenly my phone vibrates, pulling me out of my escape world

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I am enjoying the imaginary roller coaster ride of the thriller suspense novel I am reading, sitting cozied up in my comfy throw blanket on the reading chair, when suddenly my phone vibrates, pulling me out of my escape world. I distractedly grab it from the side table, accidentally spilling a few droplets of the sizzling hot coffee I sip every few minutes while reading. I scan my fingerprint to turn it on and glance at the new message I received.

"Hey Faith, hope you are on for Grace's birthday party tonight."

I pout, look back at the super intriguing novel I am reading since a few hours and sigh. I hate leaving a good book unfinished, and I am not a fan of partying, but I can't really let my girls down. I twist a stray strand of my midnight black hair on my index finger and tuck it behind my ear. I lift my gaze from the two choices at hand, the book and the phone, and look out from the window across me. The sun has almost set, leaving the sky a canvas to nature's exquisite artistic strokes of orange and red. Beautiful, as always. It's almost peaceful, reading here in my favourite spot, forgetting about all the worries of the world. Well almost.

It's been two weeks since I last met my friends, I let my part time job and leisure reading keep me occupied since then. I have enough time at hand to arrange to meet them, since the previous college session ended last month, but I just prefer my own company most days. But now, with the new session starting in two days, it will be a good idea to catch up with the girls before studies get added to the stay busy list. With that thought in mind, I put the book down at the side table and decide to text back.

"Hey Rosie, I totally am. Where are we headed?"

I put the phone away and get up to place the book back at the bookshelf across my bed. I look at my collection with a feeling of pride and make a mental note to buy myself a few more books before the college starts. My phone vibrates again, so I pick it up.

"We've made reservations at The Cruise, babe. Dance and drinks with my lovely ladies. I am so excited already!"

The name of the place intrigues me immediately. So, I text Rosie back excitedly.

"Really? The Cruise?! I've heard the music amongst the whistling waves makes a hell of a party atmosphere there."

Rosie responds with equal enthusiasm.

"I know right! I am already grooving to the beats in my imagination. And since it's practically in the middle of the ocean, the view of the reflecting sky is breathtaking. You're so gonna love it."

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