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Love, a very strong word that has different meanings. Some people define it as a feeling of endless affection for someone. Others say it is an attraction that includes sexual desire.

But for me, love is the most complicated feeling in this world, it is cruel but kind at the same time. You can be happy one second but a few moments later, your heart will shatter into a million pieces. It is not just about finding the right person for you but also realizing how much you value yourself more.

Love is about discovering and appreciating your true self.

Hi! My name is Y/N, I’m sixteen years old and I love photography. I am the captain of our school’s soccer team and I’m obsessed with movies; old songs are my jam and I play the guitar when I’m bored.

Lastly, I have an unhealthy obsession with coffee. I know it’s not ideal to drink a lot of coffee, call me over dramatic but coffee makes me feel alive. It gives me the energy to think clearly. I usually go to this amazing café everyday after school. I really like going there because the coffee’s aroma smells like heaven and it always makes me wonder if you can see a bit of someone’s personality by the coffee, he/she drinks or just know what they feel that day.

I also like it when I look at the place and watch other people do their stuff like, work or just laugh at their friend’s lame jokes. Also, there’s a guitar and piano that are placed in the middle of this frickin’ café so anyone who likes to play can just grab the instruments and basically set the mood. How amazing is that?!

I’ve been waiting for my boyfriend at my favorite place, Moonshot Café. I was scanning the place when my eyes landed on a certain brunette whose brown eyes were fixed at a book, To Kill A Mockingbird to be exact. I don’t know how long I was staring at her, admiring her angelic features and I just can’t help but wonder how God took the time to make an exquisite human being like her. And when she looked up and our eyes met, I swear my heartbeat went faster and slower at the same time (if that was even possible).

She gave me a million-dollar smile and I just had to look away before anything bad happens.

Gosh I’m rude.

I saw her standing up and I think……………. she’s walking towards me!

“Hi babe! Wow this place smells fucking amazing!”

My boyfriend, James, basically shouted upon entering. He kissed me first and when he sat down, I saw the girl climbed back to her seat.

“I can’t wait to start our junior year babe” James excitedly told me while drinking his Americano.

“Coach called me last night to remind me about the start of the season and how I was supposed to give my 101% in every game. It’s not even the first day yet and I’m hella stressed.” I sighed while looking at James whose amused face didn’t go unnoticed.

“Calm down Y/N. I know you’ll be fine. You’re the best soccer player I’ve ever seen! You single-handedly scored three goals in the championship match last year. Stressing out won’t give you anything.”

James really knows the right things to say when I panic. He’s like my own version of Superman because he’s always there whenever I needed him. He’s the perfect one for me.

“C’mon, we still have a week of summer break. We should be having fun!” He added.

As we stood up from our table, I saw the girl and she smiled at me again. That smile will kill me any minute now, but I know it’s impolite if I look away for the second time, so I gave her a shy smile before exiting the café.

She makes me feel weird things and I’m scared because for the first time in my life,

I felt extremely nervous.

A/N: This is my first story and I really hope you like it. Oh, and I'm sorry for the grammatical errors 😄

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