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It’s Saturday morning and my mom barged in my room telling me to get up because I need to have my nose checked. I quickly took a shower and put on my black v-neck shirt, ripped jeans, white converse and my favorite New York Yankees cap.

My mom and I usually argue about what I wear because she keeps on telling me that I look like a boy when I dress up. I’m comfortable this way and I won’t allow anyone to change me.

I took out my car keys and went straight to the hospital. I turned on the radio and Beautiful Soul played, a certain brunette suddenly popped in my mind.

I remember seeing her so concerned about me when she saw how fucked up my face is. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach when her arms were wrapped tightly around my neck and our faces were just inches apart. I noticed the date on my navigation system and reminded me that she has a date with my best friend today.

Why does it bother me so much that they will be spending the rest of the day together? Gosh, this is so confusing. I immediately blocked away those thoughts when I arrived at the hospital.

I was walking at the hallway when I heard someone call my name.

“Y/N?” I turned around and saw Jisoo sitting outside the Diagnostic Imaging room.

“What are you doing here?” she added. I pointed at my nose and I saw her look down her feet.

“What about you? What are you doing here?” I tried to change the topic so she won’t feel bad anymore.

“My mom’s inside” she pointed at the room behind her.

“Do you mind if I sit beside you?” Jisoo shook her head and I quickly took a sit beside her.

“Jisoo, I just want to thank you for being there with me yesterday. I know it was an accident but you didn’t have to go with me at the clinic.”

“I just felt bad because I saw how much blood was on your face. I didn't want you to go through it alone.” my heart flutter knowing she has this pure intentions on me.

“I was nervous as hell when the doctors said they have to stitch it up but when I saw your hand on mine, I felt better.” She smiled when I said those words.

“Uhm Y/N?”


“If you have time, do you want to have lunch or dinner with me? I mean not today obviously but next time?”

I saw how nervous she is when I looked at her fidgeting hands. I smiled at her and nodded. She gave her phone and asked me to put my contact number so she could text me if she has a free time. After putting my number in, I hugged her and bid my goodbye.


After the doctor gave me prescriptions, I decided to go home since I just want some proper sleep. After changing my clothes, my phone lit up and I saw that Lisa posted a picture on her Instagram.

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